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Is cit­rate theo­phylline adeno­sine dipyri­damole (CTAD) bet­ter than cit­rate to sur­vey unfrac­tion­at­ed heparin treat­ment? Has delayed cen­trifu­ga­tion a real impact on this survey?Bil­loir, P ; Clavier, T ; Guil­bert, A ; Bar­bay, V ; Chré­tien, MH ; Fre­sel, M & alJ Thromb Thrombolysis201948277–28331098816
Pos­te­ri­or reversible encephalopa­thy syn­drome asso­ci­at­ed with reversible cere­bral vaso­con­stric­tion syn­drome in a patient pre­sent­ing with post­par­tum eclamp­sia: A case report.Pop, A ; Car­bon­nel, M ; Wang, A ; Josserand, J ; Auli­ac, SC ; Ayoubi, JMJ Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod201948431–43430905853
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A French ver­sion of Ringsted”s ques­tion­naire on pain-relat­ed impair­ment of dai­ly activ­i­ties after lung surgery: A cohort study.Drey­fus, JF ; Kas­soul, A ; Michel-Cherqui, M ; Fis­chler, M ; Le Guen, MAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201930826390
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Effi­ca­cy of Sug­am­madex in Pre­vent­ing Skin Test Reac­tion in a Patient With Con­firmed Rocuro­ni­um Ana­phy­lax­is: A Case Report.Binczak, M ; Fis­chler, M ; Le Guen, MA A Pract20191317–1930720535
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Infec­tious com­pli­ca­tions fol­low­ing heart trans­plan­ta­tion in the era of high-pri­or­i­ty allo­ca­tion and extra­cor­po­re­al mem­brane oxygenation.Pons, S ; Son­neville, R ; Bouad­ma, L ; Sty­falo­va, L ; Ruck­ly, S ; Neuville, M & alAnn Inten­sive Care201991730684052
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Extra­cor­po­re­al mem­brane oxy­gena­tion for grade 3 pri­ma­ry graft dys­func­tion after lung trans­plan­ta­tion: Long-term outcomes.Bel­li­er, J ; Lhom­met, P ; Bon­nette, P ; Puyo, P ; Le Guen, M ; Roux, A & alClin Trans­plant201933e1348030657612
Being Con­vinced and Tak­ing Respon­si­bil­i­ty: A Qual­i­ta­tive Study of Fam­i­ly Mem­bers” Expe­ri­ence of Organ Dona­tion Deci­sion and Bereave­ment After Brain Death.Ken­tish-Barnes, N ; Cohen-Solal, Z ; Soup­part, V ; Cheis­son, G ; Joseph, L ; Mar­tin-Lefèvre, L & alCrit Care Med201947526–53430608283
Impact of rapid diag­nos­tic tests on the man­age­ment of patients pre­sent­ing with Enter­obac­te­ri­aceae bacteremia.Far­four, E ; Si Lar­bi, AG ; Car­dot, E ; Lim­ou­sin, L ; Math­on­net, D ; Cahen, P & alMed Mal Infect201949202–20730595423
Ran­dom­ized study of the impact of a ther­a­peu­tic edu­ca­tion pro­gram on patients suf­fer­ing from chron­ic low-back pain who are treat­ed with tran­scu­ta­neous elec­tri­cal nerve stimulation.Garaud, T ; Ger­vais, C ; Szeke­ly, B ; Michel-Cherqui, M ; Drey­fus, JF ; Fis­chler, MMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201897e1378230593158
Cir­cu­lat­ing adrenomedullin esti­mates sur­vival and reversibil­i­ty of organ fail­ure in sep­sis: the prospec­tive obser­va­tion­al multi­na­tion­al Adrenomedullin and Out­come in Sep­sis and Sep­tic Shock‑1 (AdrenOSS‑1) study.Mebazaa, A ; Geven, C ; Hollinger, A ; Wit­te­bole, X ; Chouster­man, BG ; Blet, A & alCrit Care20182235430583748
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Assess­ment of lung ede­ma dur­ing ex-vivo lung per­fu­sion by sin­gle transpul­monary ther­mod­i­lu­tion: A pre­lim­i­nary study in humans.Treb­bia, G ; Sage, E ; Le Guen, M ; Roux, A ; Soum­mer, A ; Puyo, P & alJ Heart Lung Transplant20193883–9130391201
Pleur­al effu­sion dur­ing wean­ing from mechan­i­cal ven­ti­la­tion: a prospec­tive obser­va­tion­al mul­ti­cen­ter study.Razazi, K ; Boissier, F ; Neuville, M ; Jochmans, S ; Tchir, M ; May, F & alAnn Inten­sive Care2018810330382473
Prog­nos­tic Sig­nif­i­cance of Pulse Pres­sure Vari­abil­i­ty Dur­ing Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients.Maïer, B ; Turc, G ; Tay­lor, G ; Blanc, R ; Oba­dia, M ; Sma­j­da, S & alJ Am Heart Assoc20187e00937830371208
Com­ing to an agree­ment with recent guide­lines and real life about air­way man­age­ment and future challenges!Robin, F ; Le Guen, MAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201837513–51430347253
Long-term Qual­i­ty of Life in Adult Patients Sur­viv­ing Pur­pu­ra Ful­mi­nans: An Exposed-Unex­posed Mul­ti­cen­ter Cohort Study.Con­tou, D ; Canoui-Poitrine, F ; Coudroy, R ; Préau, S ; Cour, M ; Bar­bi­er, F & alClin Infect Dis201969332–34030335142
Ear­ly post-oper­a­tive cog­ni­tive dys­func­tion after closed-loop ver­sus man­u­al tar­get con­trolled-infu­sion of propo­fol and remifen­tanil in patients under­go­ing elec­tive major non-car­diac surgery: Pro­to­col of the ran­dom­ized con­trolled sin­gle-blind POCD-ELA trial.Besch, G ; Vet­toret­ti, L ; Claveau, M ; Boichut, N ; Mahr, N ; Bouhake, Y & alMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201897e1255830290615
Pre­dic­tion Score for Post­op­er­a­tive Neu­ro­log­ic Com­pli­ca­tions after Brain Tumor Cran­ioto­my: A Mul­ti­cen­ter Obser­va­tion­al Study.Cinot­ti, R ; Brud­er, N ; Srairi, M ; Paugam-Burtz, C ; Beloeil, H ; Pot­tech­er, J & alAnes­the­si­ol­o­gy20181291111–112030234580
Mor­bid­i­ty and Mor­tal­i­ty of Crys­tal­loids Com­pared to Col­loids in Crit­i­cal­ly Ill Sur­gi­cal Patients: A Sub­group Analy­sis of a Ran­dom­ized Trial.Hem­ing, N ; Lamothe, L ; Jaber, S ; Trouil­let, JL ; Mar­tin, C ; Chevret, S & alAnes­the­si­ol­o­gy20181291149–115830212412
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Func­tion­al out­comes in adults with tuber­cu­lous menin­gi­tis admit­ted to the ICU: a mul­ti­cen­ter cohort study.Cantier, M ; Morisot, A ; Guérot, E ; Megar­bane, B ; Razazi, K ; Con­tou, D & alCrit Care20182221030119686
Asso­ci­a­tion Between Body Weight Vari­a­tion and Sur­vival and Oth­er Adverse Events in Crit­i­cal­ly Ill Patients With Shock: A Mul­ti­cen­ter Cohort Study of the OUTCOMEREA Network.Gros, A ; Dupuis, C ; Ruck­ly, S ; Lautrette, A ; Gar­rouste-Orgeas, M ; Gain­nier, M & alCrit Care Med201846e981-e98730059364
Deter­min­ing the edi­to­r­i­al pol­i­cy of Anaes­the­sia Crit­i­cal Care and Pain Med­i­cine (ACCPM).Lefrant, JY ; Lorne, E ; Asehnoune, K ; Aus­set, S ; Beaulieu, P ; Biais, M & alAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201837299–30130055826
Nat­ur­al his­to­ry of car­diac func­tion in Duchenne and Beck­er mus­cu­lar dys­tro­phies on home mechan­i­cal ventilation.Fayssoil, A ; Ogna, A ; Chaf­faut, C ; Lamothe, L ; Ambrosi, X ; Nar­di, O & alMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201897e1138129979426
Dys­p­noea in patients receiv­ing non­in­va­sive ven­ti­la­tion for acute res­pi­ra­to­ry fail­ure: preva­lence, risk fac­tors and prog­nos­tic impact: A prospec­tive obser­va­tion­al study.Dan­gers, L ; Mont­lahuc, C ; Kouatch­et, A ; Jaber, S ; Meziani, F ; Per­bet, S & alEur Respir J20185229976650
Impact of inten­sive care unit relo­ca­tion and role of tap water on an out­break of Pseudomonas aerug­i­nosa express­ing OprD-medi­at­ed resis­tance to imipenem.Tran-Dinh, A ; Neuli­er, C ; Ama­ra, M ; Nebot, N ; Troché, G ; Bre­ton, N & alJ Hosp Infect2018100e105-e11429857026
The fea­si­bil­i­ty of extu­ba­tion in the oper­at­ing room after bilat­er­al lung trans­plan­ta­tion in adult emphy­se­ma patients: an obser­va­tion­al ret­ro­spec­tive study.Assen­zo, V ; Assen­zo, C ; Fil­ip­po, R ; Le Guen, M ; Sage, E ; Roux, A & alEur J Car­dio­tho­rac Surg2018541128–113329800126
Extra­cor­po­re­al Mem­brane Oxy­gena­tion for Severe Acute Res­pi­ra­to­ry Dis­tress Syndrome.Combes, A ; Hajage, D ; Capel­li­er, G ; Demoule, A ; Lavoué, S ; Guervil­ly, C & alN Engl J Med20183781965–197529791822
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Fea­si­bil­i­ty of Ful­ly Auto­mat­ed Hyp­no­sis, Anal­ge­sia, and Flu­id Man­age­ment Using 2 Inde­pen­dent Closed-Loop Sys­tems Dur­ing Major Vas­cu­lar Surgery: A Pilot Study.Joost­en, A ; Jame, V ; Alexan­der, B ; Cha­zot, T ; Liu, N ; Can­nes­son, M & alAnesth Analg201829750688
Do we feel pain dur­ing anes­the­sia? A crit­i­cal review on surgery-evoked cir­cu­la­to­ry changes and pain perception.Civid­jian, A ; Petit­jeans, F ; Liu, N ; Ghignone, M ; de Kock, M ; Quintin, LBest Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol201731445–46729739535
Man­age­ment of bleed­ing and emer­gency inva­sive pro­ce­dures in patients on dabi­ga­tran: Updat­ed guide­lines from the French Work­ing Group on Peri­op­er­a­tive Haemosta­sis (GIHP) — Sep­tem­ber 2016.Albalade­jo, P ; Pern­od, G ; Godi­er, A ; de Maistre, E ; Rosencher, N ; Mas, JL & alAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201837391–39929729372
Macrophage Polar­iza­tion Favors Epithe­lial Repair Dur­ing Acute Res­pi­ra­to­ry Dis­tress Syndrome.Gar­nier, M ; Gibelin, A ; Mailleux, AA ; Leçon, V ; Hur­ta­do-Ned­elec, M ; Laschet, J & alCrit Care Med201846e692-e70129649066
Pro­tec­tive ven­ti­la­tion dur­ing anaes­the­sia reduces major post­op­er­a­tive com­pli­ca­tions after lung can­cer surgery: A dou­ble-blind ran­domised con­trolled trial.Mar­ret, E ; Cinot­ti, R ; Berard, L ; Piri­ou, V ; Jobard, J ; Bar­ru­cand, B & alEur J Anaesthesiol201835727–73529561278
Grief Symp­toms in Rel­a­tives Who Expe­ri­enced Organ Dona­tion Requests in the ICU.Ken­tish-Barnes, N ; Chevret, S ; Cheis­son, G ; Joseph, L ; Mar­tin-Lefèvre, L ; Si Lar­bi, AG & alAm J Respir Crit Care Med2018198751–75829553799
Amisul­pride Pre­vents Post­op­er­a­tive Nau­sea and Vom­it­ing in Patients at High Risk: A Ran­dom­ized, Dou­ble-blind, Place­bo-con­trolled Trial.Kranke, P ; Bergese, SD ; Minkowitz, HS ; Mel­son, TI ; Leiman, DG ; Can­diot­ti, KA & alAnes­the­si­ol­o­gy20181281099–110629543631
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Should We Per­form an Imme­di­ate Coro­nary Angiogram in All Patients After Car­diac Arrest?: Insights From a Large French Registry.Bougouin, W ; Dumas, F ; Karam, N ; Mau­pain, C ; Mar­i­jon, E ; Lamhaut, L & alJACC Car­dio­vasc Interv201811249–25629413238
ALK fusion vari­ants detec­tion by tar­get­ed RNA-next gen­er­a­tion sequenc­ing and clin­i­cal respons­es to crizo­tinib in ALK-pos­i­tive non-small cell lung cancer.McLeer-Florin, A ; Duruis­seaux, M ; Pin­solle, J ; Dubourd, S ; Mon­det, J ; Phillips Houl­bracq, M & alLung Can­cer201811615–2429413046
Man­age­ment of antiplatelet ther­a­py in patients under­go­ing elec­tive inva­sive pro­ce­dures: Pro­pos­als from the French Work­ing Group on peri­op­er­a­tive hemo­sta­sis (GIHP) and the French Study Group on throm­bo­sis and hemo­sta­sis (GFHT). In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the French Soci­ety for Anes­the­sia and Inten­sive Care (SFAR).Godi­er, A ; Fontana, P ; Motte, S ; Steib, A ; Bon­homme, F ; Schlum­berg­er, S & alArch Car­dio­vasc Dis2018111210–22329402671
Ear­ly Elec­troen­cephalog­ra­phy Find­ings in Car­dio­genic Shock Patients Treat­ed by Venoar­te­r­i­al Extra­cor­po­re­al Mem­brane Oxygenation.Sin­nah, F ; Dal­loz, MA ; Mag­a­l­haes, E ; Wanono, R ; Neuville, M ; Smonig, R & alCrit Care Med201846e389-e39429389771
Blood Gene Expres­sion Pre­dicts Bron­chi­oli­tis Oblit­er­ans Syndrome.Dan­ger, R ; Roy­er, PJ ; Reboul­leau, D ; Durand, E ; Loy, J ; Tis­sot, A & alFront Immunol20178184129375549
Check­lists and cog­ni­tive aids in sim­u­la­tion train­ing and dai­ly crit­i­cal care prac­tice: Sim­ple tools to improve med­ical per­for­mance and patient outcome.Geer­aerts, T ; Le Guen, MAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med2018373–429362161
Patho­phys­i­ol­o­gy of Escherichia coli pneu­mo­nia: Respec­tive con­tri­bu­tion of path­o­genic­i­ty islands to virulence.Phillips-Houl­bracq, M ; Ricard, JD ; Fou­crier, A ; Yoder-Himes, D ; Gaudry, S ; Bex, J & alInt J Med Microbiol2018308290–29629325882
Man­age­ment of antiplatelet ther­a­py in patients under­go­ing elec­tive inva­sive pro­ce­dures. Pro­pos­als from the French Work­ing Group on peri­op­er­a­tive haemosta­sis (GIHP) and the French Study Group on throm­bo­sis and haemosta­sis (GFHT). In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the French Soci­ety for Anaes­the­sia and Inten­sive Care Med­i­cine (SFAR).Godi­er, A ; Fontana, P ; Motte, S ; Steib, A ; Bon­homme, F ; Schlum­berg­er, S & alAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201837379–38929309950
Effects of closed-loop intra­venous anes­the­sia guid­ed by Bis­pec­tral Index in adult patients on emer­gence delir­i­um: a ran­dom­ized con­trolled study.Cotoia, A ; Mirabel­la, L ; Beck, R ; Matrel­la, P ; Assen­zo, V ; Cha­zot, T & alMin­er­va Anestesiol201884437–44629239148
Does a hyp­no­sis ses­sion reduce the required propo­fol dose dur­ing closed-loop anaes­the­sia induc­tion?: A ran­domised con­trolled trial.Bataille, A ; Gui­r­i­mand, A ; Szeke­ly, B ; Michel-Cherqui, M ; Dumans, V ; Liu, N & alEur J Anaesthesiol201835675–68129210845
Enter­al ver­sus par­enter­al ear­ly nutri­tion in ven­ti­lat­ed adults with shock: a ran­domised, con­trolled, mul­ti­cen­tre, open-label, par­al­lel-group study (NUTRIREA‑2).Reignier, J ; Bois­ramé-Helms, J ; Bris­ard, L ; Las­car­rou, JB ; Ait Hssain, A ; Anguel, N & alLancet2018391133–14329128300
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Noci­cep­tive stim­u­la­tion dur­ing Mac­in­tosh direct laryn­goscopy com­pared with McGrath Mac vide­o­laryn­goscopy: A ran­dom­ized tri­al using indi­rect eval­u­a­tion using an auto­mat­ed admin­is­tra­tion of propo­fol and remifentanil.Ing, R ; Liu, N ; Cha­zot, T ; Fessler, J ; Drey­fus, JF ; Fis­chler, M & alMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201796e808728930848
Lazarus Syn­drome With Crizo­tinib in a Non-Small Cell Lung Can­cer Patient With ROS1 Rearrange­ment and Dis­sem­i­nat­ed Intravas­cu­lar Coagulation.Brosseau, S ; Gounant, V ; Nal­tet, C ; Théou-Anton, N ; Cazes, A ; Smonig, R & alClin Lung Cancer201819e57-e6128844392
Pre­dic­tors of pre-pro­ce­dur­al con­cen­tra­tions of direct oral anti­co­ag­u­lants: a prospec­tive mul­ti­cen­tre study.Godi­er, A ; Dincq, AS ; Mar­tin, AC ; Radu, A ; Leblanc, I ; Antona, M & alEur Heart J2017382431–243928821169
[Com­par­a­tive study about enhanced recov­ery after cesare­an sec­tion: What ben­e­fits, what risks?]Rousseau, A ; Sadoun, M ; Aimé, I ; Leguen, M ; Car­bon­nel, M ; Ayoubi, JMGynecol Obstet Fer­til Senol201745387–39228784348
Air­way micro­bio­ta sig­nals ana­bol­ic and cata­bol­ic remod­el­ing in the trans­plant­ed lung.Mouraux, S ; Bernasconi, E ; Pat­ta­roni, C ; Kout­sok­era, A ; Aubert, JD ; Claus­tre, J & alJ Aller­gy Clin Immunol2018141718–729.e728729000
Con­nec­tion of a Renal Replace­ment Ther­a­py or Plasma­phere­sis Device to the ECMO Circuit.Laver­dure, F ; Mas­son, L ; Tachon, G ; Gui­haire, J ; Stephan, FASAIO J201864122–12528682992
Phys­i­o­log­i­cal and self-assessed psy­cho­log­i­cal stress induced by a high fideli­ty sim­u­la­tion course among third year anes­the­sia and crit­i­cal care res­i­dents: An obser­va­tion­al study.Geer­aerts, T ; Roul­leau, P ; Cheis­son, G ; Marhar, F ; Aidan, K ; Lal­lali, K & alAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201736403–40628648752
Dexmedeto­mi­dine and gen­er­al anes­the­sia: a nar­ra­tive lit­er­a­ture review of its major indi­ca­tions for use in adults under­go­ing non-car­diac surgery.Davy, A ; Fessler, J ; Fis­chler, M ; LE Guen, MMin­er­va Anestesiol2017831294–130828643999
Debrief­ing val­ues in high-fideli­ty simulation.Blanié, A ; Le Guen, MAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201736201–20228629827
The Clin­i­cal Pic­ture of Severe Sys­temic Cap­il­lary-Leak Syn­drome Episodes Requir­ing ICU Admission.Pine­ton de Cham­brun, M ; Luyt, CE ; Belon­cle, F ; Gouss­eff, M ; Mauhin, W ; Argaud, L & alCrit Care Med2017451216–122328622216
Intra­venous Immunoglob­u­lins Improve Sur­vival in Mon­o­clon­al Gam­mopa­thy-Asso­ci­at­ed Sys­temic Cap­il­lary-Leak Syndrome.Pine­ton de Cham­brun, M ; Gouss­eff, M ; Mauhin, W ; Lega, JC ; Lam­bert, M ; Riv­ière, S & alAm J Med20171301219.e19-1219.e2728602874
Tho­racic Epidur­al Anal­ge­sia With Lev­obupi­va­caine Reduces Remifen­tanil and Propo­fol Con­sump­tion Eval­u­at­ed by Closed-Loop Titra­tion Guid­ed by the Bis­pec­tral Index: A Dou­ble-Blind Place­bo-Con­trolled Study.Dumans-Nizard, V ; Le Guen, M ; Sage, E ; Cha­zot, T ; Fis­chler, M ; Liu, NAnesth Analg2017125635–64228537969
Real-Time Com­put­ed Tomog­ra­phy High­lights Pul­monary Parenchy­mal Evo­lu­tion Dur­ing Ex Vivo Lung Reconditioning.Sage, E ; De Wolf, J ; Puyo, P ; Bon­nette, P ; Glo­ri­on, M ; Sal­ley, N & alAnn Tho­rac Surg2017103e535-e53728528061
Glidescope ver­sus Air­traq DL for dou­ble-lumen tra­cheal tube inser­tion in patients with a pre­dict­ed or known dif­fi­cult air­way: A ran­domised study.Belze, O ; Lep­age, E ; Bazin, Y ; Ker­ourin, P ; Fus­cia­r­di, J ; Remérand, F & alEur J Anaesthesiol201734456–46328525401
Impact of a pre­op­er­a­tive con­ver­sa­tion­al hyp­not­ic ses­sion on propo­fol con­sump­tion using closed-loop anes­thet­ic induc­tion guid­ed by the bis­pec­tral index: A ran­dom­ized con­trolled trial.Bataille, A ; Bes­set, S ; Szeke­ly, B ; Michel-Cherqui, M ; Dumans, V ; Liu, N & alMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201796e638928489735
Ear­ly post­op­er­a­tive neu­ro­path­ic pain assessed by the DN4 score pre­dicts an increased risk of per­sis­tent post­sur­gi­cal neu­ro­path­ic pain.Beloeil, H ; Sion, B ; Rousseau, C ; Albalade­jo, P ; Raux, M ; Aubrun, F & alEur J Anaesthesiol201734652–65728437260
Man­age­ment of Severe Bleed­ing in Patients Treat­ed with Direct Oral Anti­co­ag­u­lants: An Obser­va­tion­al Reg­istry Analysis.Albalade­jo, P ; Sama­ma, CM ; Sié, P ; Kauff­mann, S ; Mémi­er, V ; Suchon, P & alAnes­the­si­ol­o­gy2017127111–12028410272
Frailty Relat­ed to Anes­the­sia guid­ed by the Index “bis­pec­traL” (FRAIL) study: study pro­to­col for a ran­dom­ized con­trolled trial.Le Guen, M ; Herr, M ; Bizard, A ; Bichon, C ; Boichut, N ; Cha­zot, T & alTri­als20171812728298244
Influ­ence of Frac­tion of Inspired Oxy­gen on Non­in­va­sive Hemo­glo­bin Mea­sure­ment: Par­al­lel Assess­ment of 2 Monitors.Gay­at, E ; Imbert, N ; Rou­jan­sky, A ; Lemasle, L ; Fis­chler, MAnesth Analg20171241820–182328221201
Tar­get­ed tem­per­a­ture man­age­ment after intra­op­er­a­tive car­diac arrest: a mul­ti­cen­ter ret­ro­spec­tive study.Con­stant, AL ; Mon­gar­don, N ; Morelot, Q ; Pichon, N ; Grimal­di, D ; Bor­de­nave, L & alInten­sive Care Med201743485–49528220232
Hyper­ox­ia and hyper­ton­ic saline in patients with sep­tic shock (HYPERS2S): a two-by-two fac­to­r­i­al, mul­ti­cen­tre, ran­domised, clin­i­cal trial.Asfar, P ; Schort­gen, F ; Bois­ramé-Helms, J ; Char­p­en­tier, J ; Guérot, E ; Megar­bane, B & alLancet Respir Med20175180–19028219612
Inci­dence and risk fac­tors of acute kid­ney injury asso­ci­at­ed with con­tin­u­ous intra­venous high-dose van­comycin in crit­i­cal­ly ill patients: A ret­ro­spec­tive cohort study.Lacave, G ; Caille, V ; Bruneel, F ; Palette, C ; Legriel, S ; Grimal­di, D & alMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201796e602328207512
Skin con­duc­tance as a pain assess­ment tool dur­ing chest tube removal: An obser­va­tion­al study.Hansen, JO ; Storm, H ; Bogli­no-Hör­lin, A ; Le Guen, M ; Gay­at, E ; Fis­chler, MEur J Pain201721987–99628207186
The future of intra­op­er­a­tive blood pres­sure management.Michard, F ; Liu, N ; Kurz, AJ Clin Monit Comput2018321–428168583
Clin­i­cal fea­tures and prog­nos­tic fac­tors of lis­te­rio­sis: the MONALISA nation­al prospec­tive cohort study.Char­li­er, C ; Per­rodeau, É ; Lecler­cq, A ; Cazenave, B ; Pilmis, B ; Hen­ry, B & alLancet Infect Dis201717510–51928139432
T Cells Pro­mote Bronchial Epithe­lial Cell Secre­tion of Matrix Metalloproteinase‑9 via a C‑C Chemokine Recep­tor Type 2 Path­way: Impli­ca­tions for Chron­ic Lung Allo­graft Dysfunction.Pain, M ; Roy­er, PJ ; Loy, J ; Girardeau, A ; Tis­sot, A ; Lacoste, P & alAm J Transplant2017171502–151427982503
The impact of low-fre­quen­cy, low-force cyclic stretch­ing of human bronchi on air­way responsiveness.Le Guen, M ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Naline, E ; Buen­es­ta­do, A ; Brol­lo, M ; Longchampt, E & alRespir Res20161715127842540
Role of microglia in a mouse mod­el of pae­di­atric trau­mat­ic brain injury.Chhor, V ; Moret­ti, R ; Le Char­p­en­tier, T ; Sigaut, S ; Lebon, S ; Schwendi­mann, L & alBrain Behav Immun201763197–20927818218
Impact of a high load­ing dose of amikacin in patients with severe sep­sis or sep­tic shock.Allou, N ; Bouteau, A ; Allyn, J ; Snauwaert, A ; Valance, D ; Jabot, J & alAnn Inten­sive Care2016610627807818
Anti­fun­gal ther­a­py for patients with proven or sus­pect­ed Can­di­da peri­toni­tis: Amarcand2, a prospec­tive cohort study in French inten­sive care units.Mon­tra­vers, P ; Per­ri­gault, PF ; Tim­sit, JF ; Mira, JP ; Lortho­l­ary, O ; Leroy, O & alClin Micro­bi­ol Infect201723117.e1-117.e827746395
Epidur­al Hematoma and Abscess Relat­ed to Tho­racic Epidur­al Anal­ge­sia: A Sin­gle-Cen­ter Study of 2,907 Patients Who Under­went Lung Surgery.Kuper­sz­tych-Hagege, E ; Dubuis­son, E ; Szeke­ly, B ; Michel-Cherqui, M ; François Drey­fus, J ; Fis­chler, M & alJ Car­dio­tho­rac Vasc Anesth201731446–45227720493
Prog­nos­tic Val­ue of Ini­tial Assess­ment of Resid­ual Hypoven­ti­la­tion Using Noc­tur­nal Capnog­ra­phy in Mechan­i­cal­ly Ven­ti­lat­ed Neu­ro­mus­cu­lar Patients: A 5‑Year Fol­low-up Study.Ogna, A ; Nar­di, J ; Pri­gent, H ; Quera Sal­va, MA ; Chaf­faut, C ; Lamothe, L & alFront Med (Lau­sanne)201634027679799
Com­par­i­son of Echocar­dio­graph­ic Indices Used to Pre­dict Flu­id Respon­sive­ness in Ven­ti­lat­ed Patients.Vignon, P ; Repessé, X ; Bégot, E ; Léger, J ; Jacob, C ; Bou­fer­rache, K & alAm J Respir Crit Care Med20171951022–103227653798
Asso­ci­a­tions between ven­ti­la­tor set­tings dur­ing extra­cor­po­re­al mem­brane oxy­gena­tion for refrac­to­ry hypox­emia and out­come in patients with acute res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­tress syn­drome: a pooled indi­vid­ual patient data analy­sis : Mechan­i­cal ven­ti­la­tion dur­ing ECMO.Ser­pa Neto, A ; Schmidt, M ; Azeve­do, LC ; Bein, T ; Brochard, L ; Beu­tel, G & alInten­sive Care Med2016421672–168427586996
Logis­tic ex Vivo Lung Per­fu­sion for Hyper­im­mu­nized Patients.De Wolf, J ; Puyo, P ; Bon­nette, P ; Roux, A ; Le Guen, M ; Par­quin, F & alAnn Tho­rac Surg2016102e205-e20627549543
Pilot study of closed-loop anaes­the­sia for liv­er transplantation.Restoux, A ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Liu, N ; Paugam-Burtz, C ; Mantz, J ; Le Guen, MBr J Anaesth2016117332–4027543528
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Imme­di­ate post­op­er­a­tive extu­ba­tion in bilat­er­al lung trans­plan­ta­tion: pre­dic­tive fac­tors and outcomes.Fel­ten, ML ; Moy­er, JD ; Drey­fus, JF ; Maran­don, JY ; Sage, E ; Roux, A & alBr J Anaesth2016116847–5427199316
Tree-based algo­rithm for pre­hos­pi­tal triage of poly­trau­ma patients.Follin, A ; Jacqmin, S ; Chhor, V ; Bel­len­fant, F ; Robin, S ; Guinvarc””h, A & alInjury2016471555–6127161834
The CNAP™ Fin­ger Cuff for Non­in­va­sive Beat-To-Beat Mon­i­tor­ing of Arte­r­i­al Blood Pres­sure: An Eval­u­a­tion in Inten­sive Care Unit Patients and a Com­par­i­son with 2 Inter­mit­tent Devices.Lakhal, K ; Mar­tin, M ; Faiz, S ; Ehrmann, S ; Blan­loeil, Y ; Asehnoune, K & alAnesth Analg20161231126–113527159068
ICU physi­cians” and nurs­es” per­cep­tions of ter­mi­nal extu­ba­tion and ter­mi­nal wean­ing: a self-ques­tion­naire study.Cot­tereau, A ; Robert, R ; le Gouge, A ; Adda, M ; Audib­ert, J ; Bar­bi­er, F & alInten­sive Care Med2016421248–5727155604
A Hemo­dy­nam­ic Mon­i­tor as a Sim­u­la­tion Tool, a Nov­el Use of the PiCCO2: Tech­ni­cal Descrip­tion of the Method and Its Application.Eghi­a­ian, A ; Lanceleur, A ; Le Maho, AL ; Pouil­ly, A ; de Ker­lidy, PM ; Blondel, P & alSimul Healthc201611139–4627043100
[Influen­za A/H1N1 virus infec­tions asso­ci­at­ed with bac­te­r­i­al infec­tions com­pli­cat­ed by exten­sive com­part­ment syndrome].Allou, N ; Coolen-Allou, N ; Del­mas, B ; Jabot, J ; Valance, D ; Gal­liot, R & alMed Mal Infect201646390–39227039065
The new Sfar jour­nals are in place.Plaud, B ; Lefrant, JYAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med2016351–226898271
Impact of a pro­phy­lac­tic com­bi­na­tion of dex­am­etha­sone-ondansetron on post­op­er­a­tive nau­sea and vom­it­ing in obese adult patients under­go­ing laparo­scop­ic sleeve gas­trec­to­my dur­ing closed-loop propo­fol-remifen­tanil anaes­the­sia: A ran­domised dou­ble-blind place­bo-con­trolled study.Bataille, A ; Letourneulx, JF ; Charmeau, A ; Leme­dioni, P ; Léger, P ; Cha­zot, T & alEur J Anaesthesiol201633898–90526866433
Anti­body-Medi­at­ed Rejec­tion in Lung Trans­plan­ta­tion: Clin­i­cal Out­comes and Donor-Spe­cif­ic Anti­body Characteristics.Roux, A ; Bendib Le Lan, I ; Holifan­ja­ni­aina, S ; Thomas, KA ; Hamid, AM ; Picard, C & alAm J Transplant2016161216–2826845386
Emerg­ing drugs for the treat­ment of sepsis.Hem­ing, N ; Lamothe, L ; Ambrosi, X ; Annane, DExpert Opin Emerg Drugs20162127–3726751198
Train­ing experts in dif­fi­cult air­way man­age­ment: Eval­u­a­tion of a con­tin­u­ous pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment program.Bris­ard, L ; Péan, D ; Bour­gain, JL ; Win­er, A ; Combes, X ; Langeron, O & alAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201635115–2126711018
Closed-Loop Propo­fol Admin­is­tra­tion: Rou­tine Care or a Research Tool? What Impact in the Future?Liu, N ; Rine­hart, JAnesth Analg20161224–626678459
Closed-loop anes­the­sia.LE Guen, M ; Liu, N ; Cha­zot, T ; Fis­chler, MMin­er­va Anestesiol201682573–8126554614
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Prog­no­sis of patients pre­sent­ing extreme aci­do­sis (pH 7) on admis­sion to inten­sive care unit.Allyn, J ; Van­droux, D ; Jabot, J ; Brul­liard, C ; Gal­liot, R ; Tabatch­nik, X & alJ Crit Care201631243–826507640
A Ran­dom­ized Con­trolled Tri­al Com­par­i­son of Neu­roSENSE and Bis­pec­tral Brain Mon­i­tors Dur­ing Propo­fol-Based Ver­sus Sevoflu­rane-Based Gen­er­al Anesthesia.Bres­son, J ; Gay­at, E ; Agraw­al, G ; Cha­zot, T ; Liu, N ; Hauss­er-Haw, C & alAnesth Analg20151211194-20126489054
Eval­u­a­tion of the Dou­ble-Lumen Tube Vivasight-DL (DLT-ETView): A Prospec­tive Sin­gle-Cen­ter Study.Mas­sot, J ; Dumand-Nizard, V ; Fis­chler, M ; Le Guen, MJ Car­dio­tho­rac Vasc Anesth2015291544–926472181
Blood pres­sure mon­i­tor­ing dur­ing arrhyth­mia: agree­ment between auto­mat­ed brachial cuff and intra-arte­r­i­al measurements.Lakhal, K ; Ehrmann, S ; Mar­tin, M ; Faiz, S ; Rémini­ac, F ; Cinot­ti, R & alBr J Anaesth2015115540–926385663
Changes of Car­diac Func­tion Dur­ing Ultra­dis­tance Trail Running.Jouf­froy, R ; Caille, V ; Per­rot, S ; Vieil­lard-Baron, A ; Dubourg, O ; Mansen­cal, NAm J Cardiol20151161284–926294134
Car­diores­pi­ra­to­ry effects of recruit­ment maneu­vers and pos­i­tive end expi­ra­to­ry pres­sure in an exper­i­men­tal con­text of acute lung injury and pul­monary hypertension.Doras, C ; Le Guen, M ; Peták, F ; Habre, WBMC Pulm Med2015158226228052
Quan­tifi­ca­tion of remifen­tanil and propo­fol in human plas­ma: a LC-MS/MS assay val­i­dat­ed accord­ing to the EMA guideline.Alvarez, JC ; Abe, E ; Etting, I ; Le Guen, M ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Grassin-Delyle, SBio­analy­sis201571675–8426226314
Endovas­cu­lar Ver­sus Exter­nal Tar­get­ed Tem­per­a­ture Man­age­ment for Patients With Out-of-Hos­pi­tal Car­diac Arrest: A Ran­dom­ized, Con­trolled Study.Deye, N ; Car­i­ou, A ; Girardie, P ; Pichon, N ; Megar­bane, B ; Midez, P & alCir­cu­la­tion2015132182–9326092673
Effec­tive­ness of a load-impos­ing device for cyclic stretch­ing of iso­lat­ed human bronchi: a val­i­da­tion study.Le Guen, M ; Naline, E ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Faisy, CPLoS One201510e012776526011598
Seda­tive pre­med­ica­tion before surgery–A mul­ti­cen­tre ran­dom­ized study ver­sus placebo.Bey­don, L ; Roux­el, A ; Camut, N ; Schinkel, N ; Mali­novsky, JM ; Ave­line, C & alAnaesth Crit Care Pain Med201534165–7126004882
High-flow oxy­gen through nasal can­nu­la in acute hypox­emic res­pi­ra­to­ry failure.Frat, JP ; Thille, AW ; Mer­cat, A ; Girault, C ; Ragot, S ; Per­bet, S & alN Engl J Med20153722185–9625981908
High Emer­gency Lung Trans­plan­ta­tion: dra­mat­ic decrease of wait­ing list death rate with­out rel­e­vant high­er post-trans­plant mortality.Roux, A ; Beau­mont-Azuar, L ; Hamid, AM ; De Miran­da, S ; Grenet, D ; Briend, G & alTranspl Int2015281092-10125959679
[The place of extra-cor­po­re­al oxy­gena­tion in pul­monary diseases].Le Guen, M ; Par­quin, FRev Mal Respir201532358–6925957015
Updates in the peri­op­er­a­tive and emer­gency man­age­ment of non-vit­a­min K antag­o­nist oral anticoagulants.Faraoni, D ; Levy, JH ; Albalade­jo, P ; Sama­ma, CMCrit Care20151920325925382
Severe and mul­ti­ple hypo­glycemic episodes are asso­ci­at­ed with increased risk of death in ICU patients.Kal­fon, P ; Le Man­ach, Y ; Ichai, C ; Bré­chot, N ; Cinot­ti, R ; Dequin, PF & alCrit Care20151915325888011
Fea­si­bil­i­ty and results of a fast-track pro­to­col in tho­racic surgery.Dumans-Nizard, V ; Guezen­nec, J ; Par­quin, F ; Puyo, P ; Sage, E ; Abdat, R & alMin­er­va Anestesiol20168215–2125768097
Trans­la­tion­al research: pre­ci­sion med­i­cine, per­son­al­ized med­i­cine, tar­get­ed ther­a­pies: mar­ket­ing or science?Mar­quet, P ; Longer­ay, PH ; Bar­lesi, F ; Ameye, V ; Augé, P ; Cazeneuve, B & alTher­a­pie2015701–1925679189
Fea­si­bil­i­ty of closed-loop titra­tion of propo­fol and remifen­tanil guid­ed by the bis­pec­tral mon­i­tor in pedi­atric and ado­les­cent patients: a prospec­tive ran­dom­ized study.Orliaguet, GA ; Ben­abbes Lam­bert, F ; Cha­zot, T ; Glas­man, P ; Fis­chler, M ; Liu, NAnes­the­si­ol­o­gy2015122759–6725545655
Fea­si­bil­i­ty of closed-loop co-admin­is­tra­tion of propo­fol and remifen­tanil guid­ed by the bis­pec­tral index in obese patients: a prospec­tive cohort comparison.Liu, N ; Lory, C ; Assen­zo, V ; Cocard, V ; Cha­zot, T ; Le Guen, M & alBr J Anaesth2015114605–1425500680
Left dou­ble-lumen tube with or with­out a cari­nal hook: A ran­domised con­trolled trial.Dumans-Nizard, V ; Par­quin, JF ; Moy­er, JD ; Drey­fus, JF ; Fis­chler, M ; Le Guen, MEur J Anaesthesiol201532418–2425489763
Descrip­tion and micro­bi­ol­o­gy of endo­tra­cheal tube biofilm in mechan­i­cal­ly ven­ti­lat­ed subjects.Danin, PE ; Girou, E ; Legrand, P ; Louis, B ; Fodil, R ; Chris­tov, C & alRespir Care20156021–925371399
Preva­lence and char­ac­ter­is­tics of pain in patients await­ing lung transplantation.Michel-Cherqui, M ; Ley, L ; Szeke­ly, B ; Drey­fus, JF ; Fis­chler, MJ Pain Symp­tom Manage201549548–5425150816