Effect of the phe­no­type of the M1-mid­dle cere­bral artery occlu­sion on the recanal­iza­tion rates in the ASTER trial.Con­soli, A ; Zhu, F ; Bourci­er, R ; Dargazan­li, C ; Mar­nat, G ; Duhamel, A & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201931253691
Peripro­ce­dur­al Heparin Dur­ing Endovas­cu­lar Treat­ment of Tan­dem Lesions in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Propen­si­ty Score Analy­sis from TITAN Registry.Zhu, F ; Piotin, M ; Steglich-Arn­holm, H ; Labreuche, J ; Holt­mannspöt­ter, M ; Taschn­er, C & alCar­dio­vasc Inter­vent Radiol2019421160–116731152229
First-Line Sofia Aspi­ra­tion Thrombec­to­my Approach with­in the Endovas­cu­lar Treat­ment of Ischemic Stroke Mul­ti­cen­tric Reg­istry: Effi­ca­cy, Safe­ty, and Pre­dic­tive Fac­tors of Success.Mar­nat, G ; Bar­reau, X ; Detraz, L ; Bourci­er, R ; Gory, B ; Sgrec­cia, A & alAJNR Am J Neuroradiol2019401006–101231122921
Rapid Suc­cess­ful Reper­fu­sion of Basi­lar Artery Occlu­sion Strokes With Pre­treat­ment Dif­fu­sion-Weight­ed Imag­ing Pos­te­ri­or-Cir­cu­la­tion ASPECTS 8 Is Asso­ci­at­ed With Good Outcome.Guil­laume, M ; Laper­gue, B ; Gory, B ; Labreuche, J ; Con­soli, A ; Mione, G & alJ Am Heart Assoc20198e01096231070075
Direct Admis­sion ver­sus Sec­ondary Trans­fer for Acute Stroke Patients Treat­ed with Intra­venous Throm­bol­y­sis and Thrombec­to­my: Insights from the Endovas­cu­lar Treat­ment in Ischemic Stroke Registry.Weisen­burg­er-Lile, D ; Blanc, R ; Kyheng, M ; Desilles, JP ; Labreuche, J ; Piotin, M & alCere­brovasc Dis201947112–12031063998
Asso­ci­a­tion between acute ischemic stroke eti­ol­o­gy and macro­scop­ic aspect of retrieved clots: is a clot”s col­or a warn­ing light for under­ly­ing pathologies?Sgrec­cia, A ; Duch­mann, Z ; Desilles, JP ; Laper­gue, B ; Labreuche, J ; Kyheng, M & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201931053576
The French glioblas­toma biobank (FGB): a nation­al clin­i­co­bi­o­log­i­cal database.Clavreul, A ; Soulard, G ; Lemée, JM ; Rig­ot, M ; Fab­bro-Per­ay, P ; Bauchet, L & alJ Transl Med20191713331014363
Acute Stroke With Large Ischemic Core Treat­ed by Thrombectomy.Pan­ni, P ; Gory, B ; Xie, Y ; Con­soli, A ; Desilles, JP ; Mazighi, M & alStroke2019501164–117131009354
Flow diver­sion treat­ment of aneurysms of the com­plex region of the ante­ri­or com­mu­ni­cat­ing artery: which stent place­ment strat­e­gy should ”I” use? A sin­gle cen­ter experience.Pagi­o­la, I ; Mihalea, C ; Caroff, J ; Ikka, L ; Chalumeau, V ; Yasu­da, T & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201930975737
Acute ischemic stroke treat­ed with mechan­i­cal thrombec­to­my and fun­gal endo­cardi­tis: A case report and sys­tem­at­ic review of the literature.Sgrec­cia, A ; Car­ità, G ; Coskun, O ; Maria, FD ; Benamer, H ; Tis­serand, M & alJ Neu­ro­ra­di­ol201930951768
Explor­ing new land­marks: analy­sis of Twit­ter usage dur­ing the 41st ESNR Annu­al Meeting.D””Anna, G ; Pyatig­orskaya, N ; Appel­man, A ; Van Goethem, J ; Smits, MNeu­ro­ra­di­ol­o­gy201961621–62630927023
Pos­te­ri­or reversible encephalopa­thy syn­drome asso­ci­at­ed with reversible cere­bral vaso­con­stric­tion syn­drome in a patient pre­sent­ing with post­par­tum eclamp­sia: A case report.Pop, A ; Car­bon­nel, M ; Wang, A ; Josserand, J ; Auli­ac, SC ; Ayoubi, JMJ Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod201948431–43430905853
Bioac­tive glass gran­ules for mas­toid and epi­tym­pan­ic sur­gi­cal oblit­er­a­tion: CT and MRI appearance.Bernarde­schi, D ; Law-Ye, B ; Bielle, F ; Hochet, B ; Sterk­ers, O ; Dor­mont, D & alEur Radi­ol201930888487
First-line con­tact aspi­ra­tion vs stent-retriev­er thrombec­to­my in acute ischemic stroke patients with large-artery occlu­sion in the ante­ri­or cir­cu­la­tion: Sys­tem­at­ic review and meta-analysis.Boulanger, M ; Laper­gue, B ; Tur­j­man, F ; Touzé, E ; Anx­ion­nat, R ; Brac­ard, S & alInterv Neu­ro­ra­di­ol201925244–25330864466
Intradur­al spinal cord arte­ri­ove­nous shunts in the pedi­atric pop­u­la­tion: nat­ur­al his­to­ry, endovas­cu­lar man­age­ment, and follow-up.Con­soli, A ; Sma­j­da, S ; Tren­kler, J ; Söder­man, M ; Rode­sch, GChilds Nerv Syst201935945–95530843101
Effect of extracra­nial lesion sever­i­ty on out­come of endovas­cu­lar thrombec­to­my in patients with ante­ri­or cir­cu­la­tion tan­dem occlu­sion: analy­sis of the TITAN registry.Anadani, M ; Spi­ot­ta, A ; Alaw­ieh, A ; Tur­j­man, F ; Piotin, M ; Steglich-Arn­holm, H & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201930842304
Chor­doid Glioma Infil­trat­ing Optic Structures.San­da, N ; Mircea, CN ; Bernier, M ; Safran, AB ; Aldea, SJ Neu­rooph­thal­mol201930829943
Throm­bus Length Pre­dicts Lack of Post-Throm­bol­y­sis Ear­ly Recanal­iza­tion in Minor Stroke With Large Ves­sel Occlusion.Sen­ers, P ; Delepierre, J ; Turc, G ; Henon, H ; Piotin, M ; Arquizan, C & alStroke201950761–76430802186
High­er Annu­al Oper­a­tor Vol­ume Is Asso­ci­at­ed With Bet­ter Reper­fu­sion Rates in Stroke Patients Treat­ed by Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my: The ETIS Registry.El Nawar, R ; Laper­gue, B ; Piotin, M ; Gory, B ; Blanc, R ; Con­soli, A & alJACC Car­dio­vasc Interv201912385–39130784645
Aber­rant trans-osseous venous drainage of the super­fi­cial mid­dle cere­bral vein: case report.Mizu­tani, K ; Con­soli, A ; Di Maria, F ; Coskun, O ; Rode­sch, GActa Neu­rochir (Wien)2019161807–81030778680
Med­ical and endovas­cu­lar treat­ments of symp­to­matic intracra­nial steno­sis. A Bayesian net­work meta-analysis.Vidale, S ; Agos­toni, E ; Gram­pa, G ; Con­soli, A ; Con­soli, DJ Clin Neurosci20196384–9030745129
Does Clot Bur­den Score on Base­line T2*-MRI Impact Clin­i­cal Out­come in Acute Ischemic Stroke Treat­ed with Mechan­i­cal Thrombectomy?Der­raz, I ; Bourci­er, R ; Soudant, M ; Soize, S ; Has­sen, WB ; Hos­su, G & alJ Stroke20192191–10030732444
Post-Throm­bol­y­sis Recanal­iza­tion in Stroke Refer­rals for Thrombec­to­my: Inci­dence, Pre­dic­tors, and Pre­dic­tion Scores.Sen­ers, P ; Turc, G ; Nag­gara, O ; Henon, H ; Piotin, M ; Arquizan, C & alStroke2018492975–298230730694
Bal­ance Impair­ment in Radi­a­tion Induced Leukoen­cephalopa­thy Patients Is Cou­pled With Altered Visu­al Atten­tion in Nat­ur­al Tasks.Bar­gio­tas, I ; More­au, A ; Vienne, A ; Bom­paire, F ; Baruteau, M ; de Laage, M & alFront Neu­rol20189118530728804
Cys­tathio­n­ine as a mark­er for 1p/19q codelet­ed gliomas by in vivo mag­net­ic res­o­nance spectroscopy.Bran­zoli, F ; Pon­toizeau, C ; Tchara, L ; Di Ste­fano, AL ; Kamoun, A ; Deelc­hand, DK & alNeu­ro Oncol201921765–77430726924
Blood-brain bar­ri­er dis­rup­tion in humans using an implantable ultra­sound device: quan­tifi­ca­tion with MR images and cor­re­la­tion with local acoustic pressure.Asquier, N ; Bou­choux, G ; Can­ney, M ; Mar­tin, C ; Law-Ye, B ; Lecler­cq, D & alJ Neu­ro­surg20191–930717050
Visu­al assess­ment of dif­fu­sion weight­ed imag­ing infarct vol­ume lacks accu­ra­cy and reliability.Khoury, N ; Dargazan­li, C ; Guenego, A ; Zuber, K ; Ekmen, A ; Char­bon­nier, G & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201930712012
Delayed Treat­ment (≥5 Days) by Flow Diver­sion of Rup­tured Blis­ter-Like Cere­bral Aneurysms : Case Series of 8 Con­sec­u­tive Patients.Capoc­ci, R ; Shotar, E ; Di Maria, F ; Rol­la-Bigliani, C ; Al Raaisi, A ; André, A & alClin Neu­ro­ra­di­ol201930683969
Thrombec­to­my or intra­venous throm­bol­y­sis in patients with NIHSS of 5 or less?Da Ros, V ; Cortese, J ; Chas­sin, O ; Rouchaud, A ; Sarov, M ; Caroff, J & alJ Neu­ro­ra­di­ol201946225–23030659890
Safe­ty and effi­cien­cy of the fifth gen­er­a­tion Woven Endo­Bridge device: tech­ni­cal note.Mihalea, C ; Caroff, J ; Pagi­o­la, I ; Ikka, L ; Hashe­mi, GB ; Naderi, S & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201911511–51530655358
Thrombec­to­my by direct cer­vi­cal access in a case of com­mon carotid occlu­sion with col­lat­er­al sup­ply to the Inter­nal Carotid Artery: an uncom­mon anatom­i­cal variant.Benichi, S ; Con­soli, A ; Coskun, O ; Boulin, A ; Wang, A ; Rode­sch, G & alWorld Neu­ro­surg201930611947
The Endonasal Endo­scop­ic Approach to Patholo­gies of the Ante­ri­or Cran­io­cer­vi­cal Junc­tion: Ana­lyt­i­cal Review of Cas­es Treat­ed at Four Euro­pean Neu­ro­sur­gi­cal Centres.Chib­baro, S ; Ganau, M ; Cebu­la, H ; Nan­navec­chia, B ; Tode­schi, J ; Romano, A & alActa Neu­rochir Suppl2019125187–19530610322
Hem­or­rhag­ic Trans­for­ma­tion After Thrombec­to­my for Tan­dem Occlusions.Zhu, F ; Labreuche, J ; Haussen, DC ; Piotin, M ; Steglich-Arn­holm, H ; Taschn­er, C & alStroke201950516–51930580731
Muta­tions in Chro­matin Mod­i­fi­er and Ephrin Sig­nal­ing Genes in Vein of Galen Malformation.Duran, D ; Zeng, X ; Jin, SC ; Choi, J ; Nel­son-Williams, C ; Yat­su­la, B & alNeu­ron2019101429–443.e430578106
Ischemia-Reper­fu­sion Injury After Endovas­cu­lar Thrombec­to­my for Ischemic Stroke.Gauber­ti, M ; Laper­gue, B ; Mar­tinez de Lizarron­do, S ; Vivien, D ; Richard, S ; Brac­ard, S & alStroke2018493071–307430571423
Recanal­iza­tion before Thrombec­to­my in Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase-Treat­ed Drip-and-Ship Patients.Sen­ers, P ; Caroff, J ; Chaus­son, N ; Turc, G ; Denier, C ; Piotin, M & alJ Stroke201921105–10730558399
Obser­va­toire Français de la Sclérose en Plaques (OFSEP): A unique mul­ti­modal nation­wide MS reg­istry in France.Vuku­sic, S ; Casey, R ; Rol­lot, F ; Bro­chet, B ; Pel­leti­er, J ; Laplaud, DA & alMult Scler2018135245851881560030541380
Mul­ti­modal mag­net­ic res­o­nance imag­ing inves­ti­ga­tion of basal fore­brain dam­age and cog­ni­tive deficits in Parkinson”s disease.Gar­gouri, F ; Gal­lea, C ; Mon­gin, M ; Pyatig­orskaya, N ; Val­abregue, R ; Ewenczyk, C & alMov Dis­ord201934516–52530536444
Clin­i­cal and genet­ic char­ac­ter­is­tics of late-onset Huntington”s disease.Oost­er­loo, M ; Bijls­ma, EK ; van Kuijk, SM ; Minkels, F ; de Die-Smul­ders, CEParkin­son­ism Relat Disord201961101–10530528461
Speci­fici­ties of arte­r­i­al spin label­ing (ASL) abnor­mal­i­ties in acute seizure.Schertz, J ; Ben­za­k­oun, M ; Pyatig­orskaya, N ; Belka­cem, S ; Sahli-Amor, M ; Navar­ro, V & alJ Neu­ro­ra­di­ol201830500358
CNS inflam­ma­to­ry dis­or­der after con­cur­rent radio­ther­a­py-temo­zolo­mide and nivolum­ab in a glioblas­toma patient.Di Ste­fano, AL ; Sava­tovsky, J ; Feu­vret, L ; Vil­la, C ; Reina, V ; Pha, M & alNeu­ro Oncol201921139–14130476174
Spas­tic para­ple­gia due to SPAST muta­tions is mod­i­fied by the under­ly­ing muta­tion and sex.Par­o­di, L ; Fenu, S ; Bar­bi­er, M ; Ban­neau, G ; Duy­ck­aerts, C ; Tezenas du Mont­cel, S & alBrain20181413331–334230476002
Stroke-like events after brain radio­ther­a­py: a large series with long-term follow-up.Di Ste­fano, AL ; Berze­ro, G ; Ducray, F ; Eoli, M ; Pichiec­chio, A ; Fari­na, LM & alEur J Neurol201926639–65030471162
Ital­ian cen­sus on neu­ro­sciences: the ICoNe2 study.Con­soli, A ; Zan­ot­ti, B ; Car­bot­ta, G ; Fran­co, G ; Galati, F ; Galati, F & alNeu­rol Sci201940371–37630471017
The 2016 World Health Orga­ni­za­tion clas­si­fi­ca­tion of tumours of the cen­tral ner­vous system.Vil­la, C ; Miquel, C ; Moss­es, D ; Bernier, M ; Di Ste­fano, ALPresse Med201847e187-e20030449638
The clin­i­cal use of IDH1 and IDH2 muta­tions in gliomas.Pic­ca, A ; Berze­ro, G ; Di Ste­fano, AL ; San­son, MExpert Rev Mol Diagn2018181041–105130427756
Impact of infarct loca­tion on func­tion­al out­come fol­low­ing endovas­cu­lar ther­a­py for stroke.Rosso, C ; Blanc, R ; Ly, J ; Sam­son, Y ; Lehéri­cy, S ; Gory, B & alJ Neu­rol Neu­ro­surg Psychiatry201990313–31930425161
Hem­or­rhag­ic trans­for­ma­tion after stroke: inter- and intrarater agreement.Guenego, A ; Lecler, A ; Ray­mond, J ; Sabben, C ; Khoury, N ; Pre­mat, K & alEur J Neurol201926476–48230414302
Penum­bral imag­ing and func­tion­al out­come in patients with ante­ri­or cir­cu­la­tion ischaemic stroke treat­ed with endovas­cu­lar thrombec­to­my ver­sus med­ical ther­a­py: a meta-analy­sis of indi­vid­ual patient-lev­el data.Camp­bell, BCV ; Majoie, CBLM ; Albers, GW ; Menon, BK ; Yas­si, N ; Shar­ma, G & alLancet Neu­rol20191846–5530413385
More than three pass­es of stent retriev­er is an inde­pen­dent pre­dic­tor of parenchy­mal hematoma in acute ischemic stroke.Bourci­er, R ; Saleme, S ; Labreuche, J ; Mazighi, M ; Fahed, R ; Blanc, R & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201911625–62930389897
Hyper­me­thy­la­tor Phe­no­type and Ectopic GIP Recep­tor in GNAS Muta­tion-Neg­a­tive Somatotropinomas.Hage, M ; Chaligné, R ; Viengchare­un, S ; Vil­la, C ; Sale­nave, S ; Bouli­gand, J & alJ Clin Endocrinol Metab20191041777–178730376114
Prog­nos­tic Sig­nif­i­cance of Pulse Pres­sure Vari­abil­i­ty Dur­ing Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients.Maïer, B ; Turc, G ; Tay­lor, G ; Blanc, R ; Oba­dia, M ; Sma­j­da, S & alJ Am Heart Assoc20187e00937830371208
Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my Out­comes With or With­out Intra­venous Thrombolysis.Gariel, F ; Laper­gue, B ; Bourci­er, R ; Berge, J ; Bar­reau, X ; Mazighi, M & alStroke2018492383–239030355117
Mitotane (op”DDD) restores growth and puber­ty in nine chil­dren with Cushing”s disease.Motte-Sig­noret, E ; Rothen­buh­ler, A ; Gail­lard, S ; Lahlou, N ; Tein­turi­er, C ; Coutant, R & alEndocr Con­nect201830352417
Man­age­ment of Giant Tho­racic Disc Her­ni­a­tion by Tho­ra­co­scop­ic Approach: Expe­ri­ence of 53 Cases.Brauge, D ; Horody­ck­id, C ; Arrighi, M ; Reina, V ; Eap, C ; Mireau, E & alOper Neu­ro­surg (Hager­stown)201916658–66630335164
Who should under­go a com­pre­hen­sive cog­ni­tive assess­ment after a stroke? A cog­ni­tive risk score.Gode­froy, O ; Yaïche, H ; Tail­lia, H ; Bom­paire, F ; Nédélec-Ciceri, C ; Bon­nin, C & alNeu­rol­o­gy201891e1979-e198730333160
Rare and Symp­to­matic Cav­ernous Donut-Shaped Aneurysm Treat­ed by Flow Divert­er Deployment.Sgrec­cia, A ; Caragliano, A ; San­fil­ip­po, G ; Cam­pa, S ; Trig­nani, R ; Gian­noni, M & alWorld Neu­ro­surg2019121227–23130312811
Intra­venous Throm­bol­y­sis Pri­or to Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Sil­ver Bul­let or Use­less Bystander?Di Maria, F ; Mazighi, M ; Kyheng, M ; Labreuche, J ; Rode­sch, G ; Con­soli, A & alJ Stroke201820385–39330309233
Moth­er­ship ver­sus drip and ship for thrombec­to­my in patients who had an acute stroke: a sys­tem­at­ic review and meta-analysis.Ismail, M ; Armoiry, X ; Tau, N ; Zhu, F ; Sadeh-Gonik, U ; Piotin, M & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg20191114–1930297541
Bal­loon remod­el­ing-assist­ed Woven Endo­Bridge tech­nique: descrip­tion and fea­si­bil­i­ty for com­plex bifur­ca­tion aneurysms.Mihalea, C ; Escalard, S ; Caroff, J ; Ikka, L ; Rouchaud, A ; Da Ros, V & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201911386–38930291206
Colon can­cer and IgG4-relat­ed dis­ease with orbital inflam­ma­tion and bilat­er­al optic per­ineu­ri­tis: A case report.Lemaitre, S ; Esquer­da, GM ; Guardi­o­la, AC ; Agustin, JT ; San­da, N ; González-Can­di­al, MMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201897e1219730278491
An Open Resource for Non-human Pri­mate Imaging.Mil­ham, MP ; Ai, L ; Koo, B ; Xu, T ; Amiez, C ; Balezeau, F & alNeu­ron201810061–74.e230269990
Imag­ing fea­tures and safe­ty and effi­ca­cy of endovas­cu­lar stroke treat­ment: a meta-analy­sis of indi­vid­ual patient-lev­el data.Román, LS ; Menon, BK ; Blas­co, J ; Hernán­dez-Pérez, M ; Dáva­l­os, A ; Majoie, CBLM & alLancet Neu­rol201817895–90430264728
Cur­rent and future tools for deter­mi­na­tion and mon­i­tor­ing of isoc­i­trate dehy­dro­ge­nase sta­tus in gliomas.Pic­ca, A ; Di Ste­fano, AL ; San­son, MCurr Opin Neurol201831727–73230239358
Somato­statin recep­tor 2A pro­tein expres­sion char­ac­ter­izes anaplas­tic oligo­den­drogliomas with favor­able outcome.Appay, R ; Tabouret, E ; Touat, M ; Car­pen­tier, C ; Col­in, C ; Ducray, F & alActa Neu­ropathol Commun201868930193580
Sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty ves­sel sign on MRI pre­dicts bet­ter clin­i­cal out­come in patients with ante­ri­or cir­cu­la­tion acute stroke treat­ed with stent retriev­er as first-line strategy.Bourci­er, R ; Has­sen, WB ; Soize, S ; Roux, P ; Labreuche, J ; Kyheng, M & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201911328–33330154254
Increased 18F-FDG Uptake in Lher­mitte-Duc­los Dis­ease With Cow­den Syn­drome Revealed by PET-MRI.Piekars­ki, E ; Pyatig­orskaya, N ; Dor­mont, D ; Galanaud, D ; Kas, AClin Nucl Med201843e355-e35630153148
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High fre­quen­cy of anti-pro­tein Z anti­bod­ies in patients with anti­car­di­olipin antibodies.Andria­mandim­bisoa, TH ; Kahn, JE ; Bour­dain, F ; François, D ; Vasse, MImmuno­bi­ol­o­gy2018223772–77630115377
Reduced Can­cer Inci­dence in Huntington”s Dis­ease: Analy­sis in the Reg­istry Study.McNul­ty, P ; Pilch­er, R ; Ramesh, R ; Necuini­ate, R ; Hugh­es, A ; Farewell, D & alJ Hunt­ing­tons Dis20187209–22230103338
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Neu­ronal injuries evi­denced by tran­sient cor­ti­cal mag­net­ic res­o­nance enhance­ment in hemi­plegic migraine: A case report.Pel­lerin, A ; Marois, C ; Mezouar, N ; Mokhtari, K ; Lecler­cq, D ; Law-Ye, BCepha­lal­gia201939323–32530092648
How I do it-the eye­brow approach for ante­ri­or cir­cle of Willis aneurysms.Aldea, S ; Cômes, PC ; Gail­lard, SActa Neu­rochir (Wien)20181601749–175330051158
Sub­a­cute inflam­ma­to­ry demyeli­nat­ing polyradicu­loneu­ropa­thy com­pli­cat­ing relaps­ing Hodgkin lym­phoma: anoth­er immune-relat­ed adverse event of the anti-PD1 therapy?Barp, A ; Gilardin, L ; Afanasiev, V ; Delorme, C ; Viala, K ; Bernard, S & alLeuk Lym­phoma201960547–54930033838
Rest­ing-state Dynam­ics as a Cor­ti­cal Sig­na­ture of Anes­the­sia in Monkeys.Uhrig, L ; Sitt, JD ; Jacob, A ; Tasserie, J ; Bart­tfeld, P ; Dupont, M & alAnes­the­si­ol­o­gy2018129942–95830028727
Machine Learn­ing for Bet­ter Prog­nos­tic Strat­i­fi­ca­tion and Dri­ver Gene Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Using Somat­ic Copy Num­ber Vari­a­tions in Anaplas­tic Oligodendroglioma.Rosen­berg, S ; Ducray, F ; Alen­torn, A ; Dehais, C ; Elarouci, N ; Kamoun, A & alOncol­o­gist2018231500–151030018130
New insights in radi­a­tion-induced leukoen­cephalopa­thy: a prospec­tive cross-sec­tion­al study.Bom­paire, F ; Lahutte, M ; Buf­fat, S ; Sous­sain, C ; Ardis­son, AE ; Terziev, R & alSup­port Care Cancer2018264217–422629982900
Carotid Stent­ing With Antithrom­bot­ic Agents and Intracra­nial Thrombec­to­my Leads to the High­est Recanal­iza­tion Rate in Patients With Acute Stroke With Tan­dem Lesions.Papana­giotou, P ; Haussen, DC ; Tur­j­man, F ; Labreuche, J ; Piotin, M ; Kas­trup, A & alJACC Car­dio­vasc Interv2018111290–129929976365
Com­par­a­tive Study of MRI Bio­mark­ers in the Sub­stan­tia Nigra to Dis­crim­i­nate Idio­path­ic Parkin­son Disease.Pyatig­orskaya, N ; Magnin, B ; Mon­gin, M ; Yahia-Cherif, L ; Val­abregue, R ; Arnal­di, D & alAJNR Am J Neuroradiol2018391460–146729954816
Visu­al brain plas­tic­i­ty induced by cen­tral and periph­er­al visu­al field loss.San­da, N ; Cer­liani, L ; Authié, CN ; Sab­bah, N ; Sahel, JA ; Habas, C & alBrain Struct Funct20182233473–348529936553
Lon­gi­tu­di­nal analy­sis of impulse con­trol dis­or­ders in Parkin­son disease.Cor­vol, JC ; Artaud, F ; Cormi­er-Dequaire, F ; Ras­col, O ; Durif, F ; Derkinderen, P & alNeu­rol­o­gy201891e189-e20129925549
Bail-out intracra­nial stent­ing with Soli­taire AB device after unsuc­cess­ful thrombec­to­my in acute ischemic stroke of ante­ri­or circulation.Nap­pi­ni, S ; Lim­buc­ci, N ; Leone, G ; Rosi, A ; Renieri, L ; Con­soli, A & alJ Neu­ro­ra­di­ol201946141–14729920349
Effi­ca­cy of Endovas­cu­lar Ther­a­py in Acute Ischemic Stroke Depends on Age and Clin­i­cal Severity.Le Bouc, R ; Clarençon, F ; Meseguer, E ; Laper­gue, B ; Con­soli, A ; Turc, G & alStroke2018491686–169429915120
Cer­vi­cal laminec­to­my and micro resec­tion of the pos­te­ri­or venous plexus in Hiraya­ma disease.Brandi­court, P ; Sol, JC ; Aldéa, S ; Bon­neville, F ; Cin­tas, P ; Brauge, DNeu­rochirurgie201864303–30929909974
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Sim­i­lar Out­comes for Con­tact Aspi­ra­tion and Stent Retriev­er Use Accord­ing to the Admis­sion Clot Bur­den Score in ASTER.Zhu, F ; Laper­gue, B ; Kyheng, M ; Blanc, R ; Labreuche, J ; Ben Machaa, M & alStroke2018491669–167729880554
Clopi­do­grel and Aspirin in Acute Ischemic Stroke and High-Risk TIA.John­ston, SC ; Eas­t­on, JD ; Far­rant, M ; Barsan, W ; Con­wit, RA ; Elm, JJ & alN Engl J Med2018379215–22529766750
Agree­ment between core lab­o­ra­to­ry and study inves­ti­ga­tors for imag­ing scores in a thrombec­to­my trial.Fahed, R ; Ben Maacha, M ; Ducroux, C ; Khoury, N ; Blanc, R ; Piotin, M & alJ Neu­roin­t­erv Surg201810e3029760012
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Fen­es­tra­tion of the supr­a­cli­noid seg­ment of the ICA and asso­ci­at­ed aneurysms: a case report with lit­er­a­ture review.Sgrec­cia, A ; Coskun, O ; Di Maria, F ; Rode­sch, G ; Con­soli, AActa Neu­rochir (Wien)20181601143–114729675721
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Preva­lence of Post­stroke Neu­rocog­ni­tive Dis­or­ders Using Nation­al Insti­tute of Neu­ro­log­i­cal Dis­or­ders and Stroke-Cana­di­an Stroke Net­work, VASCOG Cri­te­ria (Vas­cu­lar Behav­ioral and Cog­ni­tive Dis­or­ders), and Opti­mized Cri­te­ria of Cog­ni­tive Deficit.Bar­bay, M ; Tail­lia, H ; Nédélec-Ciceri, C ; Bom­paire, F ; Bon­nin, C ; Var­vat, J & alStroke2018491141–114729643258
Phe­no­type and geno­type of mus­cle ryan­odine recep­tor rhab­domy­ol­y­sis-myal­gia syndrome.Wit­ting, N ; Laforêt, P ; Voer­mans, NC ; Roux-Buis­son, N ; Bom­paire, F ; Ren­du, J & alActa Neu­rol Scand2018137452–46129635721
Mod­i­fied Throm­bol­y­sis in Cere­bral Infarc­tion 2C/Thrombolysis in Cere­bral Infarc­tion 3 Reper­fu­sion Should Be the Aim of Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my: Insights From the ASTER Tri­al (Con­tact Aspi­ra­tion Ver­sus Stent Retriev­er for Suc­cess­ful Revascularization).Dargazan­li, C ; Fahed, R ; Blanc, R ; Gory, B ; Labreuche, J ; Duhamel, A & alStroke2018491189–119629626134
Thrombec­to­my for M1-Mid­dle Cere­bral Artery Occlu­sion: Angio­graph­ic Aspect of the Arte­r­i­al Occlu­sion and Recanal­iza­tion: A Pre­lim­i­nary Observation.Con­soli, A ; Rosi, A ; Coskun, O ; Nap­pi­ni, S ; Di Maria, F ; Renieri, L & alStroke2018491286–128929618557
Impact of intra­venous throm­bol­y­sis and emer­gent carotid stent­ing on reper­fu­sion and clin­i­cal out­comes in patients with acute stroke with tan­dem lesion treat­ed with thrombec­to­my: a col­lab­o­ra­tive pooled analysis.Gory, B ; Haussen, DC ; Piotin, M ; Steglich-Arn­holm, H ; Holt­mannspöt­ter, M ; Labreuche, J & alEur J Neurol2018251115–112029575634
IDH2 muta­tions are com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed with 1p/19q codele­tion in dif­fuse adult gliomas.Appay, R ; Tabouret, E ; Macagno, N ; Touat, M ; Car­pen­tier, C ; Col­in, C & alNeu­ro Oncol201820716–71829522183
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Quan­ti­ta­tive neu­roimag­ing bio­mark­ers in a series of 20 adult patients with POLG mutations.Masingue, M ; Adanyeguh, I ; Tchikvi­ladzé, M ; Maisonobe, T ; Jardel, C ; Galanaud, D & alMito­chon­dri­on20194522–2829474836
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Pre­dic­tors of favor­able out­come after mechan­i­cal thrombec­to­my for ante­ri­or cir­cu­la­tion acute ischemic stroke in octogenarians.Bar­ral, M ; Las­salle, L ; Dargazan­li, C ; Mazighi, M ; Red­jem, H ; Blanc, R & alJ Neu­ro­ra­di­ol201845211–21629470997
Dif­fuse gliomas clas­si­fied by 1p/19q co-dele­tion, TERT pro­mot­er and IDH muta­tion sta­tus are asso­ci­at­ed with spe­cif­ic genet­ic risk loci.Labreche, K ; Kin­ner­s­ley, B ; Berze­ro, G ; Di Ste­fano, AL ; Rahimi­an, A ; Detrait, I & alActa Neu­ropathol2018135743–75529460007
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Uri­nary tract infec­tion after acute stroke: Impact of indwelling uri­nary catheter­i­za­tion and assess­ment of catheter-use prac­tices in French stroke centers.Net, P ; Karny­cheff, F ; Vasse, M ; Bour­dain, F ; Bonan, B ; Laper­gue, BRev Neu­rol (Paris)2018174145–14929395254
Pre­dic­tors for Mor­tal­i­ty after Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my of Acute Basi­lar Artery Occlusion.Gory, B ; Mazighi, M ; Labreuche, J ; Blanc, R ; Piotin, M ; Tur­j­man, F & alCere­brovasc Dis20184561–6729393092
Out­come After Reper­fu­sion Ther­a­pies in Patients With Large Base­line Dif­fu­sion-Weight­ed Imag­ing Stroke Lesions: A THRACE Tri­al (Mechan­i­cal Thrombec­to­my After Intra­venous Alteplase Ver­sus Alteplase Alone After Stroke) Sub­group Analysis.Gau­theron, V ; Xie, Y ; Tis­serand, M ; Raoult, H ; Soize, S ; Nag­gara, O & alStroke201849750–75329382803
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Unknown-onset strokes with ante­ri­or cir­cu­la­tion occlu­sion treat­ed by thrombec­to­my after DWI-FLAIR mis­match selection.Escalard, S ; Gory, B ; Kyheng, M ; Desilles, JP ; Red­jem, H ; Cic­cio, G & alEur J Neurol201825732–73829356273
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Human genet­ics and mol­e­c­u­lar mech­a­nisms of vein of Galen malformation.Duran, D ; Karsch­nia, P ; Gail­lard, JR ; Karimy, JK ; Young­blood, MW ; DiLu­na, ML & alJ Neu­ro­surg Pediatr201821367–37429350590
Accu­ra­cy of the Com­pressed Sens­ing Accel­er­at­ed 3D-FLAIR Sequence for the Detec­tion of MS Plaques at 3T.Toledano-Mas­si­ah, S ; Saya­di, A ; de Boer, R ; Gelderblom, J ; Mahd­joub, R ; Ger­ber, S & alAJNR Am J Neuroradiol201839454–45829348137
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Mechan­i­cal thrombec­to­my in basi­lar artery occlu­sion: influ­ence of reper­fu­sion on clin­i­cal out­come and impact of the first-line strat­e­gy (ADAPT vs stent retriever).Gory, B ; Mazighi, M ; Blanc, R ; Labreuche, J ; Piotin, M ; Tur­j­man, F & alJ Neu­ro­surg20181291482–149129327997
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Rare Cod­ing Vari­ants in ANGPTL6 Are Asso­ci­at­ed with Famil­ial Forms of Intracra­nial Aneurysm.Bourci­er, R ; Le Scouarnec, S ; Bon­naud, S ; Karaka­choff, M ; Bourcereau, E ; Heur­te­bise-Chré­tien, S & alAm J Hum Genet2018102133–14129304371
Con­tact Aspi­ra­tion Ver­sus Stent Retriev­er in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke With M2 Occlu­sion in the ASTER Ran­dom­ized Tri­al (Con­tact Aspi­ra­tion Ver­sus Stent Retriev­er for Suc­cess­ful Revascularization).Gory, B ; Laper­gue, B ; Blanc, R ; Labreuche, J ; Ben Machaa, M ; Duhamel, A & alStroke201849461–46429284735
Effect of gen­er­al anaes­the­sia on func­tion­al out­come in patients with ante­ri­or cir­cu­la­tion ischaemic stroke hav­ing endovas­cu­lar thrombec­to­my ver­sus stan­dard care: a meta-analy­sis of indi­vid­ual patient data.Camp­bell, BCV ; van Zwam, WH ; Goy­al, M ; Menon, BK ; Dip­pel, DWJ ; Dem­chuk, AM & alLancet Neu­rol20181747–5329263006
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A geno­type-first approach iden­ti­fies an intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty-over­weight syn­drome caused by PHIP haploinsufficiency.Jansen, S ; Hois­chen, A ; Coe, BP ; Carvill, GL ; Van Esch, H ; Bosch, DGM & alEur J Hum Genet20182654–6329209020
Prog­estin-asso­ci­at­ed shift of menin­gioma muta­tion­al landscape.Peyre, M ; Gail­lard, S ; de Mar­cel­lus, C ; Giry, M ; Bielle, F ; Vil­la, C & alAnn Oncol201829681–68629206892
DWI-ASPECTS (Dif­fu­sion-Weight­ed Imag­ing-Alber­ta Stroke Pro­gram Ear­ly Com­put­ed Tomog­ra­phy Scores) and DWI-FLAIR (Dif­fu­sion-Weight­ed Imag­ing-Flu­id Atten­u­at­ed Inver­sion Recov­ery) Mis­match in Thrombec­to­my Can­di­dates: An Intrarater and Inter­rater Agree­ment Study.Fahed, R ; Lecler, A ; Sabben, C ; Khoury, N ; Ducroux, C ; Chalumeau, V & alStroke201849223–22729191851
Two crit­i­cal brain net­works for gen­er­a­tion and com­bi­na­tion of remote associations.Ben­detow­icz, D ; Urban­s­ki, M ; Garcin, B ; Foulon, C ; Levy, R ; Bré­chemier, ML & alBrain2018141217–23329182714
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High­ly spe­cif­ic deter­mi­na­tion of IDH sta­tus using edit­ed in vivo mag­net­ic res­o­nance spectroscopy.Bran­zoli, F ; Di Ste­fano, AL ; Capelle, L ; Ottolenghi, C ; Val­abrègue, R ; Deelc­hand, DK & alNeu­ro Oncol201820907–91629126125
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A direct aspi­ra­tion first pass tech­nique for acute stroke ther­a­py: a sys­tem­at­ic review and meta-analysis.Gory, B ; Armoiry, X ; Sivan-Hoff­mann, R ; Piotin, M ; Mazighi, M ; Laper­gue, B & alEur J Neurol201825284–29229053904
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Infec­tions and Chlamy­dia pneu­mo­ni­ae anti­bod­ies influ­ence the func­tion­al out­come in throm­bol­ysed strokes.Con­soli, D ; Vidale, S ; Arn­abol­di, M ; Cav­alli­ni, A ; Con­soli, A ; Galati, F & alJ Neu­rol Sci201738195–9928991723
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Dif­fuse gliomas with FGFR3-TACC3 fusion have char­ac­ter­is­tic histopatho­log­i­cal and mol­e­c­u­lar features.Bielle, F ; Di Ste­fano, AL ; Mey­ronet, D ; Pic­ca, A ; Vil­la, C ; Bernier, M & alBrain Pathol201828674–68328976058
Thrombec­to­my in Acute Stroke With Tan­dem Occlu­sions From Dis­sec­tion Ver­sus Ath­er­o­scle­rot­ic Cause.Gory, B ; Piotin, M ; Haussen, DC ; Steglich-Arn­holm, H ; Holt­mannspöt­ter, M ; Labreuche, J & alStroke2017483145–314828974628
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