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Pat­terns of relapse in poor-prog­no­sis germ-cell tumours in the GETUG 13 tri­al: Impli­ca­tions for assess­ment of brain metastases.Lori­ot, Y ; Pagliaro, L ; Flé­chon, A ; Mar­diak, J ; Geof­frois, L ; Ker­brat, P & alEur J Cancer201787140–14629149760
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The Euro­BioBank Net­work: 10 years of hands-on expe­ri­ence of col­lab­o­ra­tive, transna­tion­al biobank­ing for rare diseases.Mora, M ; Angeli­ni, C ; Big­na­mi, F ; Bod­in, AM ; Cri­mi, M ; Di Dona­to, JH & alEur J Hum Genet2015231116–2325537360
Imme­di­ate ver­sus deferred chemother­a­py after rad­i­cal cys­tec­to­my in patients with pT3-pT4 or N+ M0 urothe­lial car­ci­no­ma of the blad­der (EORTC 30994): an inter­group, open-label, ran­domised phase 3 trial.Stern­berg, CN ; Skonecz­na, I ; Kerst, JM ; Albers, P ; Fos­sa, SD ; Ager­baek, M & alLancet Oncol20151676–8625498218
Mul­ti­cen­tre ran­domised phase II tri­al of gemcitabine+platinum, with or with­out trastuzum­ab, in advanced or metasta­t­ic urothe­lial car­ci­no­ma over­ex­press­ing Her2.Oudard, S ; Culine, S ; Vano, Y ; Gold­wass­er, F ; Théodore, C ; Nguyen, T & alEur J Cancer20155145–5425459391
Effi­ca­cy and Safe­ty of Sequen­tial Use of Everolimus in Patients With Metasta­t­ic Renal Cell Car­ci­no­ma Pre­vi­ous­ly Treat­ed With Beva­cizum­ab With or With­out Inter­fer­on Ther­a­py: Results From the Euro­pean AVATOR Study.Thiery-Vuillemin, A ; Theodore, C ; Jacobasch, L ; Schmitz, J ; Papan­dreou, C ; Guil­lot, A & alClin Gen­i­tourin Cancer201513231–825456838
Prog­nos­tic Rel­e­vance of His­to­mol­e­c­u­lar Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of Dif­fuse Adult High-Grade Gliomas with Necrosis.Figarel­la-Branger, D ; Mokhtari, K ; Col­in, C ; Uro-Coste, E ; Jou­vet, A ; Dehais, C & alBrain Pathol201525418–2825407774
FOLFOX4 ver­sus sequen­tial dose-dense FOLFOX7 fol­lowed by FOLFIRI in patients with resectable metasta­t­ic col­orec­tal can­cer (MIROX): a prag­mat­ic approach to chemother­a­py tim­ing with peri­op­er­a­tive or post­op­er­a­tive chemother­a­py from an open-label, ran­dom­ized phase III trial.Heb­bar, M ; Chibaudel, B ; André, T ; Mineur, L ; Smith, D ; Lou­vet, C & alAnn Oncol201526340–725403578
Prog­nos­tic Fac­tors for Sur­vival in Non­cas­trate Metasta­t­ic Prostate Can­cer: Val­i­da­tion of the Glass Mod­el and Devel­op­ment of a Nov­el Sim­pli­fied Prog­nos­tic Model.Gravis, G ; Boher, JM ; Fizazi, K ; Joly, F ; Pri­ou, F ; Mari­no, P & alEur Urol201568196–20425277272