[12-year his­to­ry of rad­i­cal surgery indi­ca­tions for the treat­ment of prostate cancer].Rose Dite Mod­es­tine, J ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Herve, JM ; Bos­set, PO ; Abdou, A ; Bohin, D & alProg Urol201931280925
Epi­tope load iden­ti­fies kid­ney trans­plant recip­i­ents at risk of allosen­si­ti­za­tion fol­low­ing min­i­miza­tion of immunosuppression.Snanoudj, R ; Kamar, N ; Cas­su­to, E ; Cail­lard, S ; Met­zger, M ; Merville, P & alKid­ney Int2019951471–148530955869
Arche­type Analy­sis Iden­ti­fies Dis­tinct Pro­files in Renal Trans­plant Recip­i­ents with Trans­plant Glomeru­lopa­thy Asso­ci­at­ed with Allo­graft Survival.Aubert, O ; Hig­gins, S ; Boua­tou, Y ; Yoo, D ; Ray­naud, M ; Vigli­et­ti, D & alJ Am Soc Nephrol201930625–63930872323
Mul­ti­ple recur­rences and risk of dis­ease pro­gres­sion in patients with pri­ma­ry low-grade (TaG1) non-mus­cle-inva­sive blad­der can­cer and with low and inter­me­di­ate EORTC-risk score.Simon, M ; Bos­set, PO ; Rouanne, M ; Ben­hamou, S ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Molin­ié, V & alPLoS One201914e021172130811419
Con­ver­sion from cal­cineurin inhibitors to belat­a­cept in HLA- sen­si­tized kid­ney-trans­plant recip­i­ents with low-lev­el donor spe­cif­ic antibodies.Ulloa, CE ; Anglicheau, D ; Snanoudj, R ; Scem­la, A ; Mar­tinez, F ; Tim­sit, MO & alTrans­plan­ta­tion201930720681
Low inci­dence of acute rejec­tion with­in 6 months of kid­ney trans­plan­ta­tion in HIV-infect­ed recip­i­ents treat­ed with ral­te­gravir: the Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida et les Hépatites Virales (ANRS) 153 TREVE trial.Matignon, M ; Lelièvre, JD ; Lahi­ani, A ; Abbassi, K ; Desvaux, D ; Dial­lo, A & alHIV Med201920202–21330688008
F‑FDG PET/CT improves pre­op­er­a­tive lymph node stag­ing for patients with inva­sive blad­der cancer.Girard, A ; Rouanne, M ; Taconet, S ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Gir­ma, A & alEur Radi­ol2019294286–429330666449
Stro­mal lym­pho­cyte infil­tra­tion is asso­ci­at­ed with tumour inva­sion depth but is not prog­nos­tic in high-grade T1 blad­der cancer.Rouanne, M ; Betari, R ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Goubar, A ; Sig­nolle, N ; Neuzil­let, Y & alEur J Cancer2019108111–11930654296
Recur­rent acti­vat­ing muta­tions of PPARγ asso­ci­at­ed with lumi­nal blad­der tumors.Rochel, N ; Kruck­er, C ; Coutos-Thévenot, L ; Osz, J ; Zhang, R ; Guy­on, E & alNat Com­mun20191025330651555
[Short ver­sion of rec­om­men­da­tions for enhanced recov­ery pro­gram (ERP) for cys­tec­to­my: Tech­ni­cal measures].Poinas, G ; Blache, JL ; Kassab-Chah­mi, D ; Evrard, PL ; Artus, PM ; Alfon­si, P & alProg Urol20192963–7530635149
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Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Tes­tic­u­lar Mass­es in Adults: Per­for­mance of Com­bined Quan­ti­ta­tive Shear Wave Elas­tog­ra­phy and Con­ven­tion­al Ultrasound.Rocher, L ; Criton, A ; Gen­nis­son, JL ; Creze, M ; Albiges, L ; Fer­li­cot, S & alUltra­sound Med Biol201945720–73130600129
PARP inhi­bi­tion enhances tumor cell-intrin­sic immu­ni­ty in ERC­C1-defi­cient non-small cell lung cancer.Cha­banon, RM ; Muir­head, G ; Krastev, DB ; Adam, J ; Morel, D ; Gar­ri­do, M & alJ Clin Invest20191291211–122830589644
Cri­te­ria for indi­ca­tion and treat­ment mod­i­fi­ca­tion in a cohort of patients with prostate can­cer treat­ed with hor­mone therapy.Lebret, T ; Ruf­fion, A ; Latorz­eff, I ; Zer­bib, M ; More­au, JL ; Rossi, D & alTher Adv Urol201810365–37630574196
No clin­i­cal ben­e­fit of rapid ver­sus grad­ual taper­ing of immuno­sup­pres­sion to treat sus­tained BK virus viremia after kid­ney trans­plan­ta­tion: a sin­gle-cen­ter experience.Devresse, A ; Tinel, C ; Ver­morel, A ; Snanoudj, R ; Morin, L ; Avet­tand-Fenoel, V & alTranspl Int201932481–49230565748
AVIATOR: An open inter­na­tion­al reg­istry to eval­u­ate med­ical and sur­gi­cal out­comes of aor­tic valve insuf­fi­cien­cy and ascend­ing aor­ta aneurysm.de Heer, F ; Kluin, J ; Elkhoury, G ; Jon­deau, G ; Enriquez-Sara­no, M ; Schäfers, HJ & alJ Tho­rac Car­dio­vasc Surg20191572202–2211.e730553597
Ultra­sen­si­tive Doppler as a tool for the diag­no­sis of tes­tic­u­lar ischemia dur­ing the Val­sal­va maneu­ver: a new way to explore varicoceles?Rocher, L ; Gen­nis­son, JL ; Barranger, J ; Rachas, A ; Criton, A ; Izard, V & alActa Radi­ol201828418511881098030396287
[French ccA­FU guide­lines — Update 2018–2020: Prostate cancer].Rozet, F ; Hen­nequin, C ; Beau­val, JB ; Beuze­boc, P ; Cormi­er, L ; Fromont-Han­kard, G & alProg Urol201828S79-S13030392712
An open-label ran­dom­ized con­trolled tri­al of low-dose cor­ti­cos­teroid plus enteric-coat­ed mycophe­no­late sodi­um ver­sus stan­dard cor­ti­cos­teroid treat­ment for min­i­mal change nephrot­ic syn­drome in adults (MSN Study).Rémy, P ; Audard, V ; Natel­la, PA ; Pelle, G ; Dus­sol, B ; Ler­ay-Mor­agues, H & alKid­ney Int2018941217–122630385039
Sex steroids in serum and pro­sta­t­ic tis­sue of human can­cer­ous prostate (STERKPROSER trial).Meu­nier, ME ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Ray­naud, JP ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Ghoneim, T ; Fiet, J & alProstate201979272–28030370569
[French ccA­FU guide­lines — Update 2018–2020: Blad­der cancer].Rouprêt, M ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Pig­not, G ; Com­pérat, E ; Audenet, F ; Houédé, N & alProg Urol201828S46-S7830366708
Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of genet­ic caus­es for spo­radic steroid-resis­tant nephrot­ic syn­drome in adults.Gri­bou­val, O ; Boy­er, O ; Hum­mel, A ; Dan­tal, J ; Mar­tinez, F ; Sber­ro-Sous­san, R & alKid­ney Int2018941013–102230348286
[French ccA­FU guide­lines — Update 2018–2020: Upper tract urothe­lial carcinoma].Rouprêt, M ; Xyli­nas, E ; Col­in, P ; Houédé, N ; Com­pérat, E ; Audenet, F & alProg Urol201828S32-S4530318333
Aggres­sive­ness of Local­ized Prostate Can­cer: the Key Val­ue of Testos­terone Defi­cien­cy Eval­u­at­ed by Both Total and Bioavail­able Testos­terone: Andro­Can Study Results.Neuzil­let, Y ; Ray­naud, JP ; Drey­fus, JF ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Rouanne, M ; Schnei­der, M & alHorm Can­cer20191036–4430293206
Mol­e­c­u­lar Sub­types of Urothe­lial Blad­der Can­cer: Results from a Meta-cohort Analy­sis of 2411 Tumors.Tan, TZ ; Rouanne, M ; Tan, KT ; Huang, RY ; Thiery, JPEur Urol201975423–43230213523
[ypT0N0 after neoad­ju­vant chemother­a­py and cys­tec­to­my for mus­cle-inva­sive blad­der can­cer: Inci­dence and prog­no­sis. A review from the Blad­der group of the French Com­mit­tee of Oncology].Pig­not, G ; Houédé, N ; Roumigu­ié, M ; Audenet, F ; Brunelle, S ; Col­in, P & alProg Urol201828567–57430205925
Ben­e­fits of kid­ney trans­plan­ta­tion for a nation­al cohort of patients aged 70 years and old­er start­ing renal replace­ment therapy.Leg­eai, C ; Andri­ana­so­lo, RM ; Moranne, O ; Snanoudj, R ; Hour­mant, M ; Bauwens, M & alAm J Transplant2018182695–270730203618
Tes­tic­u­lar tumours dis­cov­ered dur­ing infer­til­i­ty workup are pre­dom­i­nant­ly benign and could ini­tial­ly be man­aged by spar­ing surgery.Lagabrielle, S ; Durand, X ; Droupy, S ; Izard, V ; Mar­cel­li, F ; Huyghe, E & alJ Surg Oncol2018118630–63530196556
Preva­lence of athero­ma­tous and non-athero­ma­tous car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease by age in chron­ic kid­ney disease.Vil­lain, C ; Met­zger, M ; Combe, C ; Fouque, D ; Frimat, L ; Jacque­linet, C & alNephrol Dial Transplant201830169874
Risk fac­tors and man­age­ment of per­sis­tent post­par­tum uri­nary retention.Tiberon, A ; Car­bon­nel, M ; Vidart, A ; Ben Hal­i­ma, M ; Deffieux, X ; Ayoubi, JMJ Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod201847437–44130142472
Eval­u­a­tion of the ade­qua­cy of drug pre­scrip­tions in patients with chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease: results from the CKD-REIN cohort.Lav­ille, SM ; Met­zger, M ; Sten­gel, B ; Jacque­linet, C ; Combe, C ; Fouque, D & alBr J Clin Pharmacol2018842811–282330110711
[Does the delay from prostate biop­sy to rad­i­cal prosta­te­c­to­my influ­ence the risk of bio­chem­i­cal recurrence?]Meu­nier, ME ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Cher­bon­nier, C ; Hervé, JM ; Rouanne, M & alProg Urol201828475–48129907495
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Suni­tinib Alone or after Nephrec­to­my in Metasta­t­ic Renal-Cell Carcinoma.Méjean, A ; Ravaud, A ; Thezenas, S ; Colas, S ; Beau­val, JB ; Ben­salah, K & alN Engl J Med2018379417–42729860937
Devel­op­ment of immunother­a­py in blad­der can­cer: present and future on tar­get­ing PD(L)1 and CTLA‑4 pathways.Rouanne, M ; Roumigu­ié, M ; Houédé, N ; Mas­son-Lecomte, A ; Col­in, P ; Pig­not, G & alWorld J Urol2018361727–174029855698
Post­op­er­a­tive Peri­toni­tis After Diges­tive Tract Surgery: Sur­gi­cal Man­age­ment and Risk Fac­tors for Mor­bid­i­ty and Mor­tal­i­ty, a Cohort of 191 Patients.Ben­sign­or, T ; Lefevre, JH ; Creav­in, B ; Chafai, N ; Lescot, T ; Hor, T & alWorld J Surg2018423589–359829850950
From arte­r­i­al stiff­ness to kid­ney graft microvas­cu­la­ture: Mor­tal­i­ty and graft sur­vival with­in a cohort of 220 kid­ney trans­plant recipients.Ched­dani, L ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Chaignon, M ; Kar­ras, A ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Duong, JP & alPLoS One201813e019592829723212
Diag­no­sis and man­age­ment of asymp­to­matic bac­teri­uria in kid­ney trans­plant recip­i­ents: a sur­vey of cur­rent prac­tice in Europe.Cousse­ment, J ; Mag­giore, U ; Manuel, O ; Scem­la, A ; López-Medra­no, F ; Nagler, EV & alNephrol Dial Transplant2018331661–166829635410
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Duo­de­nal repair with a jeju­nal pedi­cle graft.Ben­sign­or, T ; Rault, A ; Dubrez, JJ Visc Surg2018155141–14529598849
Pat­terns of Clin­i­cal Response to Eculizum­ab in Patients With C3 Glomerulopathy.Le Quin­trec, M ; Lapeyraque, AL ; Lionet, A ; Sel­l­i­er-Leclerc, AL ; Del­mas, Y ; Bau­douin, V & alAm J Kid­ney Dis20187284–9229429752
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Blood Gene Expres­sion Pre­dicts Bron­chi­oli­tis Oblit­er­ans Syndrome.Dan­ger, R ; Roy­er, PJ ; Reboul­leau, D ; Durand, E ; Loy, J ; Tis­sot, A & alFront Immunol20178184129375549
Decreased darunavir con­cen­tra­tions dur­ing once-dai­ly co-admin­is­tra­tion with mar­avi­roc and ral­te­gravir: OPTIPRIM-ANRS 147 trial.Pres­si­at, C ; Hirt, D ; Tre­luy­er, JM ; Zheng, Y ; Mor­lat, P ; Naqvi, A & alJ Antimi­crob Chemother2018731020–102429365125
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Iso­lat­ed v‑lesion in kid­ney trans­plant recip­i­ents: Char­ac­ter­is­tics, asso­ci­a­tion with DSA, and his­to­log­i­cal follow-up.Rabant, M ; Boul­lenger, F ; Gnem­mi, V ; Pel­lé, G ; Glowac­ki, F ; Her­tig, A & alAm J Transplant201818972–98129206350
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Val­ue of bio­mark­ers for pre­dict­ing immunoglob­u­lin A vas­culi­tis nephri­tis out­come in an adult prospec­tive cohort.Berth­elot, L ; Jamin, A ; Vigli­et­ti, D ; Chemouny, JM ; Ayari, H ; Pierre, M & alNephrol Dial Transplant2018331579–159029126311
Qual­i­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive con­trast-enhanced ultra­sonog­ra­phy for the char­ac­ter­i­sa­tion of non-pal­pa­ble tes­tic­u­lar tumours.Luzuri­er, A ; Maxwell, F ; Cor­reas, JM ; Benoit, G ; Izard, V ; Fer­li­cot, S & alClin Radi­ol201873322.e1-322.e929122221
Screen­ing for intracra­nial aneurysms in auto­so­mal dom­i­nant poly­cys­tic kid­ney dis­ease is cost-effective.Fla­hault, A ; Trys­tram, D ; Nataf, F ; Fouchard, M ; Knebel­mann, B ; Grün­feld, JP & alKid­ney Int201893716–72629061331
Man­age­ment of renal trans­plant urolithi­a­sis: a mul­ti­cen­tre study by the French Urol­o­gy Asso­ci­a­tion Trans­plan­ta­tion Committee.Branchere­au, J ; Tim­sit, MO ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Bessède, T ; Thuret, R ; Gigante, M & alWorld J Urol201836105–10929058024
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Increase in sex­u­al­ly trans­mit­ted infec­tions in a cohort of out­pa­tient HIV-pos­i­tive men who have sex with men in the Parisian region.Far­four, E ; Dimi, S ; Majer­holc, C ; Fourn, E ; Séné, T ; Chai­da, MB & alMed Mal Infect201747490–49328943174
Sex­u­al steroids in serum and pro­sta­t­ic tis­sue of human non-can­cer­ous prostate (STERPROSER trial).Neuzil­let, Y ; Ray­naud, JP ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Fiet, J ; Giton, F ; Drey­fus, JF & alProstate2017771512–151928905453
Rever­sal of Arte­r­i­al Stiff­ness and Mal­adap­ta­tive Arte­r­i­al Remod­el­ing After Kid­ney Transplantation.Kar­ras, A ; Boutouyrie, P ; Bri­et, M ; Bozec, E ; Hay­mann, JP ; Legendre, C & alJ Am Heart Assoc2017628889098
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Lung can­cer in renal trans­plant recip­i­ents: A case-con­trol study.Rousseau-Gazan­iol, C ; Fraboulet, S ; Coud­erc, LJ ; Kreis, H ; Borie, R ; Tri­cot, L & alLung Can­cer201711196–10028838407
Long-term out­comes and risks fac­tors for fail­ure of intrade­tru­sor onabot­u­linum­tox­in A injec­tions for the treat­ment of refrac­to­ry neu­ro­genic detru­sor overactivity.Jous­sain, C ; Popoff, M ; Phé, V ; Even, A ; Bos­set, PO ; Pot­ti­er, S & alNeu­rourol Urodyn201837799–80628745807
Air­way micro­bio­ta sig­nals ana­bol­ic and cata­bol­ic remod­el­ing in the trans­plant­ed lung.Mouraux, S ; Bernasconi, E ; Pat­ta­roni, C ; Kout­sok­era, A ; Aubert, JD ; Claus­tre, J & alJ Aller­gy Clin Immunol2018141718–729.e728729000
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[Screen­ing and man­age­ment of intracra­nial aneurisms in patients with auto­so­mal dom­i­nant poly­cys­tic kid­ney disease].Fla­hault, A ; Knebel­mann, B ; Nataf, F ; Trys­tram, D ; Grün­feld, JP ; Joly, DNephrol Ther201713 Sup­pl 1S147-S15328577737
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Onco­log­i­cal and func­tion­al out­comes of sex­u­al func­tion-pre­serv­ing cys­tec­to­my com­pared with stan­dard rad­i­cal cys­tec­to­my in men: A sys­tem­at­ic review.Hernán­dez, V ; Espinos, EL ; Dunn, J ; MacLen­nan, S ; Lam, T ; Yuan, Y & alUrol Oncol201735539.e17-539.e2928495555
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Prog­nos­tic val­ue of cere­bral tis­sue oxy­gen sat­u­ra­tion dur­ing neona­tal extra­cor­po­re­al mem­brane oxygenation.Clair, MP ; Ram­baud, J ; Fla­hault, A ; Guedj, R ; Guil­bert, J ; Guel­lec, I & alPLoS One201712e017299128278259
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A prospec­tive obser­va­tion­al study on the eval­u­a­tion of everolimus-relat­ed adverse events in metasta­t­ic renal cell car­ci­no­ma after first-line anti-vas­cu­lar endothe­lial growth fac­tor ther­a­py: the AFINITE study in France.Joly, F ; Eymard, JC ; Albiges, L ; Nguyen, T ; Guil­lot, A ; Rol­land, F & alSup­port Care Cancer2017252055–206228188447
Remod­el­ing root repair with an exter­nal aor­tic ring annuloplasty.Lansac, E ; Di Cen­ta, I ; Sleilaty, G ; Leje­une, S ; Berre­bi, A ; Zacek, P & alJ Tho­rac Car­dio­vasc Surg20171531033–104228187973
The mea­sured glomeru­lar fil­tra­tion rate (mGFR) before and 6 months after bariatric surgery: A pilot study.Clerte, M ; Wag­n­er, S ; Carette, C ; Brodin-Sar­to­rius, A ; Vilaine, É ; Alvarez, JC & alNephrol Ther201713160–16728161263
Anti-Fac­tor B and Anti-C3b Autoan­ti­bod­ies in C3 Glomeru­lopa­thy and Ig-Asso­ci­at­ed Mem­bra­nopro­lif­er­a­tive GN.Mari­nozzi, MC ; Roumeni­na, LT ; Chau­vet, S ; Her­tig, A ; Bertrand, D ; Olagne, J & alJ Am Soc Nephrol2017281603–161328096309
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Tes­tic­u­lar Shear Wave Elas­tog­ra­phy in Nor­mal and Infer­tile Men: A Prospec­tive Study on 601 Patients.Rocher, L ; Criton, A ; Gen­nis­son, JL ; Izard, V ; Fer­li­cot, S ; Tan­ter, M & alUltra­sound Med Biol201743782–78928062178
Induced pluripo­tent stem cell gen­er­a­tion from a man car­ry­ing a com­plex chro­mo­so­mal rearrange­ment as a genet­ic mod­el for infer­til­i­ty studies.Mou­ka, A ; Izard, V ; Tachd­jian, G ; Bris­set, S ; Yates, F ; Mayeur, A & alSci Rep201773976028045072
T Cells Pro­mote Bronchial Epithe­lial Cell Secre­tion of Matrix Metalloproteinase‑9 via a C‑C Chemokine Recep­tor Type 2 Path­way: Impli­ca­tions for Chron­ic Lung Allo­graft Dysfunction.Pain, M ; Roy­er, PJ ; Loy, J ; Girardeau, A ; Tis­sot, A ; Lacoste, P & alAm J Transplant2017171502–151427982503
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Burned-Out Testis Tumors in Asymp­to­matic Infer­tile Men: Mul­ti­para­met­ric Sonog­ra­phy and MRI Findings.Rocher, L ; Glas, L ; Bellin, MF ; Fer­li­cot, S ; Izard, V ; Benoit, G & alJ Ultra­sound Med201736821–83127914180
Pre­op­er­a­tive Eval­u­a­tion of the Renal Func­tion before the Treat­ment of Abdom­i­nal Aor­tic Aneurysms.Coscas, R ; Wag­n­er, S ; Vilaine, E ; Sar­to­rius, A ; Javer­li­at, I ; Alvarez, JC & alAnn Vasc Surg201740162–16927890838
Tes­tic­u­lar Sper­ma­to­zoa Are of Bet­ter Qual­i­ty Than Epi­didy­mal Sper­ma­to­zoa in Patients With Obstruc­tive Azoospermia.Ham­moud, I ; Bail­ly, M ; Berg­ere, M ; Wain­er, R ; Izard, V ; Vialard, F & alUrol­o­gy2017103106–11127888149
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Devel­op­ment of orig­i­nal meta­bol­i­cal­ly sta­ble apelin-17 analogs with diuret­ic and car­dio­vas­cu­lar effects.Ger­bier, R ; Alvear-Perez, R ; Mar­gathe, JF ; Fla­hault, A ; Cou­vineau, P ; Gao, J & alFASEB J201731687–70027815337
A prospec­tive mul­ti­cen­ter study on blad­der can­cer: the COBLAnCE cohort.Ben­hamou, S ; Bonas­tre, J ; Grous­sard, K ; Rad­vanyi, F ; Allo­ry, Y ; Lebret, TBMC Can­cer20161683727809812
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Adher­ence to and Accep­tance of Once-Dai­ly Tacrolimus After Kid­ney and Liv­er Trans­plant: Results From OSIRIS, a French Obser­va­tion­al Study.Cas­su­to, E ; Pageaux, GP ; Can­tarovich, D ; Ros­taing, L ; Loupy, A ; Roche, B & alTrans­plan­ta­tion20161002099–210627653227
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[Clin­i­cal prac­tice guide­lines: Sum­ma­ry of rec­om­men­da­tions for first sur­gi­cal treat­ment of female pelvic organ pro­lapse by 5 French aca­d­e­m­ic soci­eties: AFU, CNGOF, SIFUD-PP, SNFCP, and SCGP].Le Nor­mand, L ; Cos­son, M ; Cour, F ; Deffieux, X ; Donon, L ; Fer­ry, P & alProg Urol201626 Sup­pl 1S1‑727595623
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Mul­ti­pha­sic effects of blood pres­sure on sur­vival in hemodial­y­sis patients.Hannedouche, T ; Roth, H ; Krum­mel, T ; Lon­don, GM ; Jean, G ; Bouchet, JL & alKid­ney Int201690674–8427521114
Long-term results of exter­nal aor­tic ring annu­lo­plas­ty for aor­tic valve repair.Lansac, E ; Di Cen­ta, I ; Sleilaty, G ; Leje­une, S ; Khelil, N ; Berre­bi, A & alEur J Car­dio­tho­rac Surg201650350–6027440158
Osteo­pon­tin and thrombospondin‑1 play oppo­site roles in pro­mot­ing tumor aggres­sive­ness of pri­ma­ry resect­ed non-small cell lung cancer.Rouanne, M ; Adam, J ; Goubar, A ; Robin, A ; Ohana, C ; Lou­vet, E & alBMC Can­cer20161648327422280
Updat­ed 2016 EAU Guide­lines on Mus­cle-inva­sive and Metasta­t­ic Blad­der Cancer.Alfred Wit­jes, J ; Lebret, T ; Com­pérat, EM ; Cow­an, NC ; De San­tis, M ; Bru­ins, HM & alEur Urol201771462–47527375033
Rit­ux­imab for Severe Mem­bra­nous Nephropa­thy: A 6‑Month Tri­al with Extend­ed Follow-Up.Dahan, K ; Debiec, H ; Plaisi­er, E ; Cachana­do, M ; Rousseau, A ; Wak­sel­man, L & alJ Am Soc Nephrol201728348–35827352623
Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of tar­get­ed ther­a­py for an aggres­sive sub­group of mus­cle-inva­sive blad­der cancers.Lebret, T ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Houede, N ; Rebouis­sou, S ; Bernard-Pier­rot, I ; De Reynies, A & alMol Cell Oncol20152e99950727308521
Low Serum Cre­a­tine Kinase Lev­el Pre­dicts Mor­tal­i­ty in Patients with a Chron­ic Kid­ney Disease.Fla­hault, A ; Met­zger, M ; Chas­sé, JF ; Hay­mann, JP ; Bof­fa, JJ ; Fla­mant, M & alPLoS One201611e015643327248151
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[Pre­dic­tive fac­tors and prog­nos­tic con­se­quences of peri­op­er­a­tive com­pli­ca­tions of rad­i­cal cys­tec­tomies for urothe­lial car­ci­no­ma in patients of 80 years or more].Chanu, T ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Butreau, M ; Bach, C ; Rouanne, M ; Lebret, TProg Urol201626331–827209221
Tumor het­ero­gene­ity of fibrob­last growth fac­tor recep­tor 3 (FGFR3) muta­tions in inva­sive blad­der can­cer: impli­ca­tions for peri­op­er­a­tive anti-FGFR3 treatment.Poues­sel, D ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Mertens, LS ; van der Hei­j­den, MS ; de Jong, J ; Sanders, J & alAnn Oncol2016271311–627091807
Nocar­dia Infec­tion in Sol­id Organ Trans­plant Recip­i­ents: A Mul­ti­cen­ter Euro­pean Case-con­trol Study.Cousse­ment, J ; Lebeaux, D ; van Delden, C ; Guil­lot, H ; Fre­und, R ; Mar­bus, S & alClin Infect Dis201663338–4527090987
The use of bis­pho­s­pho­nates in the man­age­ment of bone involve­ment from sol­id tumours and haema­to­log­i­cal malig­nan­cies — a Euro­pean survey.Lebret, T ; Casas, A ; Cavo, M ; Woll, PJ ; Dele­place, C ; Kennedy, C & alEur J Can­cer Care (Engl)20172627072626
Screen­ing for Unrup­tured Intracra­nial Aneurysms in Auto­so­mal Dom­i­nant Poly­cys­tic Kid­ney Dis­ease: A Sur­vey of 420 Nephrologists.Fla­hault, A ; Trys­tram, D ; Fouchard, M ; Knebel­mann, B ; Nataf, F ; Joly, DPLoS One201611e015317627054719
A nation­al study of kid­ney graft tumor treat­ments: Toward abla­tive therapy.Guleryuz, K ; Doer­fler, A ; Codas, R ; Cof­fin, G ; Hubert, J ; Lecheval­li­er, E & alSurgery2016160237–24427032620
Radiofre­quen­cy abla­tion and sur­gi­cal resec­tion of liv­er metas­tases from uveal melanoma.Mar­i­ani, P ; Almubarak, MM ; Kollen, M ; Wag­n­er, M ; Planch­er, C ; Audol­lent, R & alEur J Surg Oncol201642706–1226968227
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[Obser­va­tion­al sur­vey of the French Uro­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion Oncol­o­gy Com­mit­tee (CCAFU) eval­u­at­ing the prac­tice of imme­di­ate post­op­er­a­tive instil­la­tion (IPOP) using mit­o­mycin C for non-mus­cle inva­sive blad­der can­cer (NMIBC) treatment].Neuzil­let, Y ; Col­in, P ; Com­per­at, E ; Dubosq, F ; Houede, N ; Larre, S & alProg Urol201626181–9026777686
Dura­bil­i­ty and Effec­tive­ness of Mar­avi­roc-Con­tain­ing Reg­i­mens in HIV-1-Infect­ed Indi­vid­u­als with Viro­log­i­cal Fail­ure in Rou­tine Clin­i­cal Practice.Potard, V ; Reynes, J ; Fer­ry, T ; Aubin, C ; Finkiel­sztejn, L ; Yaz­dan­panah, Y & alPLoS One201510e014474626714012
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[Assess­ment of the opti­miza­tion of the con­di­tions of mit­o­mycin C intrav­es­i­cal instil­la­tion com­ple­tion in the set­ting of non-mus­cle inva­sive blad­der can­cer treatment].Lailler, G ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Rouanne, M ; Lebret, TProg Urol20162679–8226653577
[Mol­e­c­u­lar, pre­clin­i­cal, and clin­i­cal com­par­a­tive data regard­ing dif­fer­ent strains of bacil­lus Cal­mette-Guérin (BCG): Review by the French Uro­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion Oncol­o­gy Com­mit­tee (CCAFU)].Neuzil­let, Y ; Dubosq, F ; Xyli­nas, E ; Col­in, P ; Com­per­at, E ; Houede, N & alProg Urol201626121–826638801
The Com­ple­ment Sys­tem and Anti­body-Medi­at­ed Trans­plant Rejection.Stites, E ; Le Quin­trec, M ; Thur­man, JMJ Immunol20151955525–3126637661
A pro­tein­uria cut-off lev­el of 0.7 g/day after 12 months of treat­ment best pre­dicts long-term renal out­come in lupus nephri­tis: data from the MAINTAIN Nephri­tis Trial.Tamirou, F ; Lauw­erys, BR ; Dall””Era, M ; Mack­ay, M ; Rovin, B ; Cervera, R & alLupus Sci Med20152e00012326629352
Deter­mi­na­tion of a Cen­tral Avas­cu­lar Tri­an­gle with­in the Obtu­ra­tor Fora­men: A Radioanatom­ic Study.Nyan­goh Tim­oh, K ; Bad­er, G ; Fau­con­nier, A ; Bar­rau, V ; Del­mas, V ; Touboul, CPLoS One201510e014364226624993
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Long-Term Out­comes Among Par­tic­i­pants in the WEGENT Tri­al of Remis­sion-Main­te­nance Ther­a­py for Gran­u­lo­mato­sis With Polyangi­itis (Wegener”s) or Micro­scop­ic Polyangiitis.Puéchal, X ; Pag­noux, C ; Per­rodeau, É ; Hami­dou, M ; Bof­fa, JJ ; Kyn­dt, X & alArthri­tis Rheumatol201668690–70126473755
Pre­op­er­a­tive low serum testos­terone is asso­ci­at­ed with high-grade prostate can­cer and an increased Glea­son score upgrading.Pichon, A ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Bot­to, H ; Ray­naud, JP ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Molin­ié, V & alProstate Can­cer Pro­sta­t­ic Dis201518382–726439747
Val­ue of positron emis­sion tomog­ra­phy in diag­nos­ing syn­chro­nous penile metas­ta­sis from urothe­lial blad­der cancer.Rouanne, M ; Alham­ma­di, A ; Vilain, D ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Lebret, TWorld J Surg Oncol20151327626376852
What do we know about treat­ment sequenc­ing of abi­raterone, enza­lu­tamide, and chemother­a­py in metasta­t­ic cas­tra­tion-resis­tant prostate cancer?Leb­dai, S ; Bas­set, V ; Branchere­au, J ; de La Taille, A ; Fla­mand, V ; Lebret, T & alWorld J Urol201634617–2426373956
Long term out­comes of trans­plan­ta­tion using kid­neys from expand­ed cri­te­ria donors: prospec­tive, pop­u­la­tion based cohort study.Aubert, O ; Kamar, N ; Vernerey, D ; Vigli­et­ti, D ; Mar­tinez, F ; Duong-Van-Huyen, JP & alBMJ2015351h355726232393
Report­ed Out­come After Valve-Spar­ing Aor­tic Root Replace­ment for Aor­tic Root Aneurysm: A Sys­tem­at­ic Review and Meta-Analysis.Arabkhani, B ; Mookhoek, A ; Di Cen­ta, I ; Lansac, E ; Bekkers, JA ; De Lind Van Wijn­gaar­den, R & alAnn Tho­rac Surg20151001126–3126228603
Embryo Form Project: An orig­i­nal tech­nique for the three-dimen­sion­al recon­struc­tion of human embryo morphology.Labrousse, M ; Micard, E ; Ton­nelet, R ; Cen­dre, R ; Del­mas, V ; Naidich, T & alReprod Tox­i­col2015581–726219247
Per­ineal or Abdom­i­nal Approach First Dur­ing Inter­sphinc­teric Resec­tion for Low Rec­tal Can­cer: Which Is the Best Strategy?Kan­so, F ; Mag­giori, L ; Debove, C ; Chau, A ; Fer­ron, M ; Panis, YDis Colon Rectum201558637–4426200677
Effi­ca­cy of trip­tore­lin pamoate 11.25 mg admin­is­tered sub­cu­ta­neous­ly for achiev­ing med­ical cas­tra­tion lev­els of testos­terone in patients with local­ly advanced or metasta­t­ic prostate cancer.Lebret, T ; Rouanne, M ; Hublarov, O ; Jin­ga, V ; Petko­va, L ; Kot­sev, R & alTher Adv Urol20157125–3426161143
Anatom­i­cal insights into sacro­colpopexy for mul­ti­com­part­ment pelvic organ prolapse.Ercoli, A ; Cam­pagna, G ; Del­mas, V ; Fer­rari, S ; Mor­ciano, A ; Scam­bia, G & alNeu­rourol Urodyn201635813–826147420
[Fol­low-up of urothe­lial car­ci­no­ma: Review of the Can­cer Com­mit­tee of the French Asso­ci­a­tion of Urology].Col­in, P ; Neuzil­let, Y ; Pig­not, G ; Rouprêt, M ; Com­per­at, E ; Lar­ré, S & alProg Urol201525616–2426141291
Obe­si­ty and hypog­o­nadism are asso­ci­at­ed with an increased risk of pre­dom­i­nant Glea­son 4 pat­tern on rad­i­cal prosta­te­c­to­my specimen.Neuzil­let, Y ; Ray­naud, JP ; Lebret, T ; Pichon, A ; Rad­ules­cu, C ; Molin­ie, V & alHorm Mol Biol Clin Investig201522101–926047422
Eval­u­a­tion of the effect of a laparo­scop­ic robo­t­ized nee­dle hold­er on ergonom­ics and skills.Ben­sign­or, T ; Morel, G ; Rever­sat, D ; Fuks, D ; Gayet, BSurg Endosc201630446–45426017905
A 16-gene assay to pre­dict recur­rence after surgery in localised renal cell car­ci­no­ma: devel­op­ment and val­i­da­tion studies.Rini, B ; God­dard, A ; Kneze­vic, D ; Mad­dala, T ; Zhou, M ; Aydin, H & alLancet Oncol201516676–8525979595
Par­tial nephrec­to­my for renal tumors in soli­tary kid­neys: post­op­er­a­tive renal func­tion dynamics.Ghoneim, TP ; Sjoberg, DD ; Lowrance, W ; Shari­at, SF ; Sav­age, C ; Bern­stein, M & alWorld J Urol2015332023–925966661
Man­age­ment of Node Only Recur­rence after Pri­ma­ry Local Treat­ment for Prostate Can­cer: A Sys­tem­at­ic Review of the Literature.Plous­sard, G ; Almeras, C ; Brig­an­ti, A ; Gian­nar­i­ni, G ; Hen­nequin, C ; Ost, P & alJ Urol2015194983–825963190
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A new tech­nique for intra-abdom­i­nal arter­ies revas­cu­lar­iza­tion via extra-anatom­ic bypass from the bra­chio­cephal­ic artery with a video­scop­ic ret­roster­nal tunnel.Javer­li­at, I ; Pichon, A ; Glo­ri­on, M ; Coscas, R ; Goëau-Bris­son­nière, O ; Cog­gia, MJ Vasc Surg201562256–825936654
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Inten­sive five-drug anti­retro­vi­ral ther­a­py reg­i­men ver­sus stan­dard triple-drug ther­a­py dur­ing pri­ma­ry HIV‑1 infec­tion (OPTIPRIM-ANRS 147): a ran­domised, open-label, phase 3 trial.Chéret, A ; Nem­bot, G ; Mélard, A ; Las­coux, C ; Sla­ma, L ; Miail­h­es, P & alLancet Infect Dis201515387–9625701561
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Pre­dict­ing the risk of har­bor­ing high-grade dis­ease for patients diag­nosed with prostate can­cer scored as Glea­son ≤ 6 on biop­sy cores.Seisen, T ; Roudot-Tho­raval, F ; Bos­set, PO ; Beaugerie, A ; Allo­ry, Y ; Vor­dos, D & alWorld J Urol201533787–9224985552
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