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A high-res­o­lu­tion ICP-MS method for the deter­mi­na­tion of 38 inor­gan­ic ele­ments in human whole blood, urine, hair and tis­sues after microwave digestion.Grassin-Delyle, S ; Mar­tin, M ; Hamza­oui, O ; Lamy, E ; Jayle, C ; Sage, E & alTalan­ta2019199228–23730952251
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Val­i­da­tion accord­ing to Euro­pean and Amer­i­can reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cies guide­lines of an LC-MS/MS method for the quan­tifi­ca­tion of free and total ropi­va­caine in human plasma.Lamy, E ; Fall, F ; Boigne, L ; Gro­mov, K ; Fab­resse, N ; Grassin-Delyle, SClin Chem Lab Med201930939109
Guid­ance to 2018 good prac­tice: ARIA dig­i­tal­ly-enabled, inte­grat­ed, per­son-cen­tred care for rhini­tis and asthma.Bous­quet, J ; Bed­brook, A ; Czarlews­ki, W ; Ono­ra­to, GL ; Arnaviel­he, S ; Laune, D & alClin Transl Allergy201991630911372
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Nivolum­ab-refrac­to­ry patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.Costan­ti­ni, A ; Fal­l­et, V ; Corny, J ; Fri­ard, S ; Chouaid, C ; Duche­mann, B & alLung Can­cer2019130128–13430885333
Spec­trum of Pul­monary Aspergillo­sis in Hyper-IgE Syn­drome with Auto­so­mal-Dom­i­nant STAT3 Deficiency.Duréault, A ; Tcher­akian, C ; Poiree, S ; Catherinot, E ; Dan­ion, F ; Jou­vion, G & alJ Aller­gy Clin Immunol Pract201971986–1995.e330878710
An Exper­i­men­tal Study of Pacli­tax­el Emboli­sa­tion Dur­ing Drug Coat­ed Bal­loon Angioplasty.Boitet, A ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Louedec, L ; Dupont, S ; Lamy, E ; Cog­gia, M & alEur J Vasc Endovasc Surg201957578–58630871939
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A marine-sourced fucoidan solu­tion inhibits Toll-like-recep­tor-3-induced cytokine release by human bronchial epithe­lial cells.Dutot, M ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Sal­va­tor, H ; Brol­lo, M ; Rat, P ; Fagon, R & alInt J Biol Macromol2019130429–43630797011
Mol­e­c­u­lar assess­ment of rejec­tion and injury in lung trans­plant biopsies.Hal­lo­ran, KM ; Parkes, MD ; Chang, J ; Tim­o­fte, IL ; Snell, GI ; West­all, GP & alJ Heart Lung Transplant201938504–51330773443
Eval­u­a­tion and Man­age­ment of Laryn­gopha­ryn­geal Reflux Dis­ease: State of the Art Review.Lechien, JR ; Akst, LM ; Ham­dan, AL ; Schindler, A ; Karkos, PD ; Bar­il­lari, MR & alOto­laryn­gol Head Neck Surg2019160762–78230744489
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Extra­cor­po­re­al mem­brane oxy­gena­tion for grade 3 pri­ma­ry graft dys­func­tion after lung trans­plan­ta­tion: Long-term outcomes.Bel­li­er, J ; Lhom­met, P ; Bon­nette, P ; Puyo, P ; Le Guen, M ; Roux, A & alClin Trans­plant201933e1348030657612
Real-life effi­ca­cy of osimer­tinib in pre­treat­ed patients with advanced non-small cell lung can­cer har­bor­ing EGFR T790M mutation.Auli­ac, JB ; Pérol, M ; Plan­chard, D ; Mon­net, I ; Wislez, M ; Doubre, H & alLung Can­cer201912796–10230642559
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Adher­ence to treat­ment in aller­gic rhini­tis using mobile tech­nol­o­gy. The MASK Study.Men­dit­to, E ; Cos­ta, E ; Midão, L ; Bosnic-Antice­vich, S ; Nov­el­li­no, E ; Bialek, S & alClin Exp Allergy201949442–46030597673
Visu­al analy­sis ver­sus quan­ti­ta­tive CT analy­sis of inter­lo­bar fis­sure integri­ty in select­ing emphy­se­ma­tous patients for endo­bronchial valve treatment.Fiorel­li, A ; Pog­gi, C ; Anile, M ; Cas­cone, R ; Car­luc­ci, A ; Cas­siano, F & alInter­act Car­dio­vasc Tho­rac Surg201830597003
Immunother­a­py with grass pollen tablets reduces med­ica­tion dis­pens­ing for aller­gic rhini­tis and asth­ma: A ret­ro­spec­tive data­base study in France.Dev­il­li­er, P ; Moli­mard, M ; Ansolabehere, X ; Bar­doulat, I ; Coulombel, N ; Mau­rel, F & alAller­gy2019741317–132630589088
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The Role of Toll-Like Recep­tors in the Pro­duc­tion of Cytokines by Human Lung Macrophages.Grassin-Delyle, S ; Abr­i­al, C ; Sal­va­tor, H ; Brol­lo, M ; Naline, E ; Dev­il­li­er, PJ Innate Immun20181–1130557876
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Banff Lung Report: Cur­rent knowl­edge and future research per­spec­tives for diag­no­sis and treat­ment of pul­monary anti­body-medi­at­ed rejec­tion (AMR).Roux, A ; Levine, DJ ; Zee­vi, A ; Hachem, R ; Hal­lo­ran, K ; Hal­lo­ran, PF & alAm J Transplant20191921–3129956477
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Suc­cess­ful pul­monary arte­r­i­al emboliza­tion fol­lowed by cura­tive surgery for a lep­idic pre­dom­i­nant lung ade­no­car­ci­no­ma with severe hypoxemia.Sebane, L ; El-Haj­jam, M ; Puyo, P ; Longchampt, E ; Giroux Lep­rieur, EBMC Surg2018182029631581
Lung trans­plan­ta­tion for scle­ro­der­ma lung dis­ease: An inter­na­tion­al, mul­ti­cen­ter, obser­va­tion­al cohort study.Pradère, P ; Tudo­rache, I ; Mag­nus­son, J ; Savale, L ; Brugiere, O ; Dou­vry, B & alJ Heart Lung Transplant201837903–91129628135
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Do Repeat­ed Oper­a­tions for Recur­rent Col­orec­tal Lung Metas­tases Result in Improved Survival?Men­na, C ; Berar­di, G ; Tier­no, SM ; Andreet­ti, C ; Mau­r­izi, G ; Cic­cone, AM & alAnn Tho­rac Surg2018106421–42729605599
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T‑cell sub-pop­u­la­tion ear­ly after lung trans­plan­ta­tion is asso­ci­at­ed with devel­op­ment of bron­chi­oli­tis oblit­er­ans syndrome.Durand, M ; Lacoste, P ; Dan­ger, R ; Jacque­mont, L ; Brosseau, C ; Durand, E & alJ Heart Lung Transplant201837770–78129571601
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Clin­i­cal Assess­ment of a Nocar­dia PCR-Based Assay for Diag­no­sis of Nocardiosis.Rouza­ud, C ; Rodriguez-Nava, V ; Catherinot, E ; Méchaï, F ; Berg­eron, E ; Far­four, E & alJ Clin Microbiol20185629563199
Ewing Sar­co­ma of the Chest Wall: Prog­nos­tic Fac­tors of Mul­ti­modal Ther­a­py Includ­ing En Bloc Resection.Provost, B ; Mis­se­nard, G ; Pri­copi, C ; Merci­er, O ; Mus­sot, S ; Fab­re, D & alAnn Tho­rac Surg2018106207–21329551629
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Cen­tral ver­sus periph­er­al can­nu­la­tion of extra­cor­po­re­al mem­brane oxy­gena­tion sup­port dur­ing dou­ble lung trans­plant for pul­monary hypertension.Glo­ri­on, M ; Merci­er, O ; Mitil­ian, D ; De Lemos, A ; Lam­rani, L ; Feuil­let, S & alEur J Car­dio­tho­rac Surg201854341–34729528384
Pre­fab­ri­cat­ed fibu­la free flap with den­tal implants for mandibu­lar reconstruction.Pauchet, D ; Pig­ot, JL ; Chabolle, F ; Bach, CAEur Ann Otorhi­no­laryn­gol Head Neck Dis2018135279–28229506957
Octo­ge­nar­i­ans with EGFR-mutat­ed non-small cell lung can­cer treat­ed by tyro­sine-kinase inhibitor: a mul­ti­cen­tric real-world study assess­ing tol­er­ance and effi­ca­cy (OCTOMUT study).Corre, R ; Ger­vais, R ; Guisi­er, F ; Tassy, L ; Vinas, F ; Lamy, R & alOnco­tar­get201898253–826229492192
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Inter­na­tion­al con­sen­sus (ICON) on the ENT role in diag­no­sis of obstruc­tive sleep apnea syndrome.Ouay­oun, MC ; Chabolle, F ; De Vito, A ; Heis­er, C ; Para­ma­si­van, VK ; Rabe­lo, FAW & alEur Ann Otorhi­no­laryn­gol Head Neck Dis2018135S3-S629402674
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Com­par­i­son of the in vit­ro phar­ma­co­log­i­cal pro­files of long-act­ing mus­carinic antag­o­nists in human bronchus.Naline, E ; Grassin Delyle, S ; Sal­va­tor, H ; Brol­lo, M ; Faisy, C ; Vic­toni, T & alPulm Phar­ma­col Ther20184946–5329337266
Treat­ment of aller­gic rhini­tis using mobile tech­nol­o­gy with real-world data: The MASK obser­va­tion­al pilot study.Bous­quet, J ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Arnaviel­he, S ; Bed­brook, A ; Alex­is-Alexan­dre, G ; van Eerd, M & alAller­gy2018731763–177429336067
Posacona­zole Tablets in Real-Life Lung Trans­plan­ta­tion: Impact on Expo­sure, Drug-Drug Inter­ac­tions, and Drug Man­age­ment in Lung Trans­plant Patients, Includ­ing Those with Cys­tic Fibrosis.Lau­nay, M ; Roux, A ; Beau­mont, L ; Dou­vry, B ; Lecuy­er, L ; Douez, E & alAntimi­crob Agents Chemother20186229311077
Human Immun­od­e­fi­cien­cy Virus Type 1 Group O Infec­tion in France: Clin­i­cal Fea­tures and Immunovi­ro­log­i­cal Response to Antiretrovirals.Unal, G ; Alessan­dri-Gradt, E ; Leoz, M ; Pavie, J ; Lefèvre, C ; Pan­jo, H & alClin Infect Dis2018661785–179329272369
FAM13A is a mod­i­fi­er gene of cys­tic fibro­sis lung phe­no­type reg­u­lat­ing rhoa activ­i­ty, actin cytoskele­ton dynam­ics and epithe­lial-mes­enchy­mal transition.Cor­vol, H ; Rous­se­let, N ; Thomp­son, KE ; Berdah, L ; Cot­tin, G ; Fous­sig­niere, T & alJ Cyst Fibros201817190–20329239766
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Human air­way trypsin-like pro­tease exerts potent, antifi­brot­ic action in pul­monary fibrosis.Menou, A ; Fla­jo­let, P ; Duit­man, J ; Justet, A ; Moog, S ; Jail­let, M & alFASEB J2018321250–126429122847
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Muta­tion­al Diver­si­ty of Lung Can­cer and Asso­ci­at­ed Lymph Nodes. An Explorato­ry Prospec­tive Study of 4 Resect­ed cIIIA-N2.Legras, A ; Rous­sel, H ; Man­giameli, G ; Arame, A ; Grand, B ; Pri­copi, C & alPathol Oncol Res201925319–32529110262
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Phar­ma­co­log­i­cal treat­ment opti­mi­sa­tion for sta­ble COPD: an end­less sto­ry? Pro­pos­als from the Société de Pneu­molo­gie de Langue Française.Zys­man, M ; Chabot, F ; Hous­set, B ; Morelot Panzi­ni, C ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Roche, NEur Respir J20175029025880
Rare and unusu­al pre­sen­ta­tion of Cladophialopho­ra infec­tion in a pul­monary trans­plant cys­tic fibro­sis patient.Rey­naud, Q ; Dupont, D ; Nove-Josserand, R ; Durupt, S ; Per­sat, F ; Ader, F & alTranspl Infect Dis20171928994224
Repeat­ed Resec­tions of Hepat­ic and Pul­monary Metas­tases from Col­orec­tal Can­cer Pro­vide Long-Term Survival.Bel­li­er, J ; De Wolf, J ; Heb­bar, M ; Amrani, ME ; Desauw, C ; Leteurtre, E & alWorld J Surg2018421171–117928948336
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Lung can­cer in renal trans­plant recip­i­ents: A case-con­trol study.Rousseau-Gazan­iol, C ; Fraboulet, S ; Coud­erc, LJ ; Kreis, H ; Borie, R ; Tri­cot, L & alLung Can­cer201711196–10028838407
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Coumarin-con­tain­ing ther­more­spon­sive hyaluron­ic acid-based nanogels as deliv­ery sys­tems for anti­cancer chemotherapy.Ste­fanel­lo, TF ; Coutu­raud, B ; Szarpak-Jankows­ka, A ; Fournier, D ; Louage, B ; Gar­cia, FP & alNanoscale2017912150–1216228805867
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In smok­ers, Son­ic hedge­hog mod­u­lates pul­monary endothe­lial func­tion through vas­cu­lar endothe­lial growth factor.Hen­no, P ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Belle, E ; Brol­lo, M ; Naline, E ; Sage, E & alRespir Res20171810228535764
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Clin­i­cal fea­tures and prog­nos­tic fac­tors of lis­te­rio­sis: the MONALISA nation­al prospec­tive cohort study.Char­li­er, C ; Per­rodeau, É ; Lecler­cq, A ; Cazenave, B ; Pilmis, B ; Hen­ry, B & alLancet Infect Dis201717510–51928139432
Metabolomics in the Diag­no­sis and Phar­ma­cother­a­py of Lung Diseases.Dev­il­li­er, P ; Sal­va­tor, H ; Naline, E ; Coud­erc, LJ ; Grassin-Delyle, SCurr Pharm Des2017232050–205928137216
Aller­gen expo­sure cham­bers: har­mo­niz­ing cur­rent con­cepts and pro­ject­ing the needs for the future — an EAACI Posi­tion Paper.Pfaar, O ; Calderon, MA ; Andrews, CP ; Angjeli, E ; Bergmann, KC ; Bøn­løkke, JH & alAller­gy2017721035–104228122133
Chron­ic effects of air pol­lu­tion on lung func­tion after lung trans­plan­ta­tion in the Sys­tems pre­dic­tion of Chron­ic Lung Allo­graft Dys­func­tion (SysCLAD) study.Ben­mer­ad, M ; Sla­ma, R ; Bot­turi, K ; Claus­tre, J ; Roux, A ; Sage, E & alEur Respir J20174928100545
Epithe­lial to mes­enchy­mal tran­si­tion and HPV infec­tion in squa­mous cell oropha­ryn­geal car­ci­no­mas: the papil­lophar study.Lefevre, M ; Rousseau, A ; Ray­on, T ; Dal­stein, V ; Clav­el, C ; Beby-Defaux, A & alBr J Cancer2017116362–36928072763
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ARIA 2016: Care path­ways imple­ment­ing emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies for pre­dic­tive med­i­cine in rhini­tis and asth­ma across the life cycle.Bous­quet, J ; Hellings, PW ; Agache, I ; Bed­brook, A ; Bachert, C ; Bergmann, KC & alClin Transl Allergy201664728050247
Prog­nos­tic impact of immune microen­vi­ron­ment in laryn­geal and pha­ryn­geal squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma: Immune cell sub­types, immuno-sup­pres­sive path­ways and clin­i­co­patho­log­ic characteristics.Karpathiou, G ; Casteil­lo, F ; Giroult, JB ; For­est, F ; Four­nel, P ; Mon­aya, A & alOnco­tar­get2017819310–1932228038471
Build­ing Bridges for Inno­va­tion in Age­ing: Syn­er­gies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA.Bous­quet, J ; Bewick, M ; Cano, A ; Eklund, P ; Fico, G ; Goswa­mi, N & alJ Nutr Health Aging20172192–10427999855
T Cells Pro­mote Bronchial Epithe­lial Cell Secre­tion of Matrix Metalloproteinase‑9 via a C‑C Chemokine Recep­tor Type 2 Path­way: Impli­ca­tions for Chron­ic Lung Allo­graft Dysfunction.Pain, M ; Roy­er, PJ ; Loy, J ; Girardeau, A ; Tis­sot, A ; Lacoste, P & alAm J Transplant2017171502–151427982503
Sia­ly­lat­ed Fetuin‑A as a can­di­date pre­dic­tive bio­mark­er for suc­cess­ful grass pollen aller­gen immunotherapy.Cail­lot, N ; Bouley, J ; Jain, K ; Mar­i­ano, S ; Luce, S ; Hori­ot, S & alJ Aller­gy Clin Immunol2017140759–770.e1327965111
Aller­gy immunother­a­py across the life cycle to pro­mote active and healthy age­ing: from research to poli­cies: An AIRWAYS Inte­grat­ed Care Path­ways (ICPs) pro­gramme item (Action Plan B3 of the Euro­pean Inno­va­tion Part­ner­ship on active and healthy age­ing) and the Glob­al Alliance against Chron­ic Res­pi­ra­to­ry Dis­eases (GARD), a World Health Orga­ni­za­tion GARD research demon­stra­tion project.Calderon, MA ; Demoly, P ; Casale, T ; Akdis, CA ; Bachert, C ; Bewick, M & alClin Transl Allergy201664127895895
Phar­ma­co­log­i­cal treat­ment opti­miza­tion for sta­ble chron­ic obstruc­tive pul­monary dis­ease. Pro­pos­als from the Société de Pneu­molo­gie de Langue Française.Zys­man, M ; Chabot, F ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Hous­set, B ; Morelot-Panzi­ni, C ; Roche, NRev Mal Respir201633911–93627890625
A Com­pre­hen­sive Review of In Situ Fen­es­tra­tion of Aor­tic Endografts.Glo­ri­on, M ; Coscas, R ; McWilliams, RG ; Javer­li­at, I ; Goëau-Bris­son­niere, O ; Cog­gia, MEur J Vasc Endovasc Surg201652787–80027843111
The impact of low-fre­quen­cy, low-force cyclic stretch­ing of human bronchi on air­way responsiveness.Le Guen, M ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Naline, E ; Buen­es­ta­do, A ; Brol­lo, M ; Longchampt, E & alRespir Res20161715127842540
Preva­lence and char­ac­ter­is­tics of TERT and TERC muta­tions in sus­pect­ed genet­ic pul­monary fibrosis.Borie, R ; Tabèze, L ; Thabut, G ; Nunes, H ; Cot­tin, V ; Marc­hand-Adam, S & alEur Respir J2016481721–173127836952
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Poly­mor­phism in pro­grammed cell death 1 gene is strong­ly asso­ci­at­ed with lung and kid­ney allo­graft sur­vival in recip­i­ents from CMV-pos­i­tive donors.For­coni, C ; Gatault, P ; Mique­le­store­na-Stan­d­ley, E ; Noble, J ; Al-Hajj, S ; Guille­main, R & alJ Heart Lung Transplant201736315–32427751774
Clin­i­cal and His­to­log­ic Pre­dic­tive Fac­tors of Response to Induc­tion Chemother­a­py in Head and Neck Squa­mous Cell Carcinoma.Karpathiou, G ; Giroult, JB ; For­est, F ; Four­nel, P ; Mon­aya, A ; Froudarakis, M & alAm J Clin Pathol2016146546–55327694130
Fac­tors pre­dict­ing CPAP adher­ence in obstruc­tive sleep apnea syndrome.Riachy, M ; Najem, S ; Iskan­dar, M ; Chou­cair, J ; Ibrahim, I ; Juve­likian, GSleep Breath201721295–30227638725
300 IR HDM tablet: a sub­lin­gual immunother­a­py tablet for the treat­ment of house dust mite-asso­ci­at­ed aller­gic rhinitis.Demoly, P ; Okamo­to, Y ; Yang, WH ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Bergmann, KCExpert Rev Clin Immunol2016121141–115127632814
In aller­gic rhini­tis, work, class­room and activ­i­ty impair­ments are weak­ly relat­ed to oth­er out­come measures.Dev­il­li­er, P ; Bous­quet, J ; Sal­va­tor, H ; Naline, E ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; de Beau­mont, OClin Exp Allergy2016461456–146427562177
Logis­tic ex Vivo Lung Per­fu­sion for Hyper­im­mu­nized Patients.De Wolf, J ; Puyo, P ; Bon­nette, P ; Roux, A ; Le Guen, M ; Par­quin, F & alAnn Tho­rac Surg2016102e205-e20627549543
Pilot study of closed-loop anaes­the­sia for liv­er transplantation.Restoux, A ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Liu, N ; Paugam-Burtz, C ; Mantz, J ; Le Guen, MBr J Anaesth2016117332–4027543528
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Exclu­sion of Patients with a Severe T‑Cell Defect Improves the Def­i­n­i­tion of Com­mon Vari­able Immunodeficiency.Bert­in­champ, R ; Gérard, L ; Bout­boul, D ; Malphettes, M ; Fieschi, C ; Oksen­hendler, EJ Aller­gy Clin Immunol Pract201641147–115727522107
Mod­el­ing the effec­tive­ness of neb­u­lized terbu­taline for decom­pen­sat­ed chron­ic obstruc­tive pul­monary dis­ease patients in the emer­gency department.Gue­ho, F ; Beaune, S ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Urien, S ; Faisy, CMed­i­cine (Bal­ti­more)201695e455327512880
Scal­ing up strate­gies of the chron­ic res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­ease pro­gramme of the Euro­pean Inno­va­tion Part­ner­ship on Active and Healthy Age­ing (Action Plan B3: Area 5).Bous­quet, J ; Far­rell, J ; Crooks, G ; Hellings, P ; Bel, EH ; Bewick, M & alClin Transl Allergy201662927478588
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Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Greater Mid­dle East­ern genet­ic vari­a­tion for enhanced dis­ease gene discovery.Scott, EM ; Halees, A ; Itan, Y ; Spencer, EG ; He, Y ; Azab, MA & alNat Genet2016481071–627428751
Effi­ca­cy and safe­ty of sub­lin­gual tablets of house dust mite aller­gen extracts: Results of a dose-rang­ing study in an envi­ron­men­tal expo­sure chamber.Roux, M ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Yang, WH ; Mon­tagut, A ; Abite­boul, K ; Viat­te, A & alJ Aller­gy Clin Immunol2016138451–458.e527289490
MACVIA clin­i­cal deci­sion algo­rithm in ado­les­cents and adults with aller­gic rhinitis.Bous­quet, J ; Schüne­mann, HJ ; Hellings, PW ; Arnaviel­he, S ; Bachert, C ; Bed­brook, A & alJ Aller­gy Clin Immunol2016138367–374.e227260321
Imme­di­ate post­op­er­a­tive extu­ba­tion in bilat­er­al lung trans­plan­ta­tion: pre­dic­tive fac­tors and outcomes.Fel­ten, ML ; Moy­er, JD ; Drey­fus, JF ; Maran­don, JY ; Sage, E ; Roux, A & alBr J Anaesth2016116847–5427199316
Nocar­dia Infec­tion in Sol­id Organ Trans­plant Recip­i­ents: A Mul­ti­cen­ter Euro­pean Case-con­trol Study.Cousse­ment, J ; Lebeaux, D ; van Delden, C ; Guil­lot, H ; Fre­und, R ; Mar­bus, S & alClin Infect Dis201663338–4527090987
Real-life assess­ment of the mul­ti­di­men­sion­al nature of dys­p­noea in COPD outpatients.Morélot-Panzi­ni, C ; Gilet, H ; Aguila­niu, B ; Dev­il­li­er, P ; Didi­er, A ; Perez, T & alEur Respir J2016471668–7927076585
AIR­WAYS-ICPs (Euro­pean Inno­va­tion Part­ner­ship on Active and Healthy Age­ing) from con­cept to implementation.Bous­quet, J ; Bar­bara, C ; Bate­man, E ; Bel, E ; Bewick, M ; Cha­vannes, NH & alEur Respir J2016471028–3327037308
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Com­par­i­son of out­come mea­sures in aller­gic rhini­tis in chil­dren, ado­les­cents and adults.Dev­il­li­er, P ; Bous­quet, PJ ; Grassin-Delyle, S ; Sal­va­tor, H ; Demoly, P ; Bous­quet, J & alPedi­atr Aller­gy Immunol201627375–8126949928
Coor­di­nat­ed expan­sion of both mem­o­ry T cells and NK cells in response to CMV infec­tion in humans.Bayard, C ; Lep­etit­corps, H ; Roux, A ; Larsen, M ; Fas­te­nack­els, S ; Salle, V & alEur J Immunol2016461168–7926910859
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Germline SFTPA1 muta­tion in famil­ial idio­path­ic inter­sti­tial pneu­mo­nia and lung cancer.Nathan, N ; Giraud, V ; Picard, C ; Nunes, H ; Das­tot-Le Moal, F ; Copin, B & alHum Mol Genet2016251457–6726792177
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Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of V0162, a new long-act­ing antag­o­nist at human M3 mus­carinic acetyl­choline receptors.Heusler, P ; Cus­sac, D ; Naline, E ; Tardif, S ; Clerc, T ; Dev­il­li­er, PPhar­ma­col Res2015100117–2626241178
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Upper Air­way Stim­u­la­tion for Obstruc­tive Sleep Apnea: Dura­bil­i­ty of the Treat­ment Effect at 18 Months.Strol­lo, PJ ; Gille­spie, MB ; Soose, RJ ; Mau­r­er, JT ; de Vries, N ; Cor­nelius, J & alSleep2015381593–826158895
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Chest Low-Dose Com­put­ed Tomog­ra­phy for Ear­ly Lung Can­cer Diag­no­sis as an Oppor­tu­ni­ty to Diag­nose Ver­te­bral Frac­tures in HIV-Infect­ed Smok­ers, an ANRS EP48 HIV CHEST Substudy.Thou­venin, Y ; Makin­son, A ; Cournil, A ; Eymard-Duver­nay, S ; Lentz, P ; Dele­mazure, AS & alJ Acquir Immune Def­ic Syndr201569299–30526058045
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