Although you will be treat­ed in the ser­vice which has the exper­tise required for your med­ical con­di­tion, the good roll-out of your stay at the Foch Hos­pi­tal will be rein­forced by the exis­tence of a ded­i­cat­ed inter­na­tion­al team (con­tact for appoint­ments:

The Foch Hos­pi­tal indeed has a 14-bed Inter­na­tion­al Depart­ment called the “Van­der­bilt unit” and com­posed of the fol­low­ing med­ical staff members:

  • Dr Serge BONNETIER, Directeur des affaires inter­na­tionales et onco-hématologue
  • Dr Felix ACKERMANN, Chef de ser­vice de médecine interne
  • Dr David KHAU, Respon­s­able de l’Unité
  • Dr Erwan FOURN, Médecin de l’U­nité Vanderbilt

Admin­is­tra­tive team

The admin­is­tra­tive office of the Inter­na­tion­al Depart­ment at Foch Hos­pi­tal is open from 8.30am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm from Mon­day to Fri­day.
For any request, please con­tact our team thanks to the above-men­tioned con­tact details.